"The Fed remains data dependent as always, but it now appears that the 'more good data' bar is not as high as it was before, particularly with labor market developments becoming more important," said Michael Gregory, deputy chief economist at BMO Economics.
July 31 -
Successful roll-outs are countered by regulations and red tape.
July 31 -
Riedl First Securities Company of Kansas has been fined $15,000 by FINRA for charging unfair prices, violating MSRB Rule G-30 on fair pricing and MSRB Rule G-27 on supervision.
July 31 -
Issuers and development advocates urged lawmakers to include advance refunding, the expansion of opportunity zones, and other muni prorities in any upcoming tax package.
July 30 -
Economists expect the FOMC to hold rates, although some say there's a case to be made for a July cut, with Fed Chair Powell setting the table for September.
July 30 -
The Jeffrey Matthews Financial Group has been charged $110,000 for charging unfair prices on 86 municipal bond transactions a week after being dinged for Reg BI violations.
July 29 -
During its final quarterly meeting for the FY 2024 fiscal year, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board elected a new chair and vice chair, and approved a $48.8 million budget for the upcoming year.
July 26 -
Mayors rank economic development, infrastructure, and housing as top three priorities.
July 26 -
Local government investment pools remain free from SEC rules
July 25 -
In May, a bipartisan group of lawmakers sent a letter to the federal agencies responsible for the FDTA rulemaking, urging them to stick to the schedule spelled out in the law.
July 25