
  • A battle of the coasts brews this week as the New York City Transitional Finance Authority and the state of California will sell about $2.5 billion of muni bonds, a big chunk of the $3.6 billion holiday week calendar.

    September 4
    Thumbnail for Video: East meets west
  • Massachusetts returns to the municipal bond market this week as it prepares to offer general obligation bonds ahead of the Labor Day holiday

    August 27
    Thumbnail for Video: Back for more
  • The Lone Star state grabs the spotlight this week as Texas prepares to sell $7.2 billion of top-rated tax and revenue anticipation notes on Wednesday.

    August 20
    Thumbnail for Video: Starring role
  • Municipal bond buyers will see the largest new issue calendar of the year come to market this week as almost $12 billion of debt goes up for grabs.

    August 13
    Thumbnail for Video: Summer still sizzles
  • This sultry summer week will get even hotter as about $7.5 billion of municipal bonds are on tap to be offered up to buyers. Deals will be coming for a variety of issuers across the country, ranging from high-quality to high-yield.

    August 6
    Thumbnail for Video: Something for everyone
  • Some big deals are heading into the municipal bond marketplace this week as sales from a convention center in Washington state and the state of Maryland will be offered to buyers still flush with cash from the June-July redemption period.

    July 30
    Thumbnail for Video: What the market will buy this week
  • It’s a big week for Puerto Rico with court action taking place on the island and Congressional hearings being held in D.C.

    July 23
    Thumbnail for Video: What’s happening in Puerto Rico this week
  • Even as debate rages in Congress about whether to slash the federal government’s role in transportation funding, the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority is coming to market with $1.2 billion of federal highway reimbursement revenue refunding notes.

    July 16
    Thumbnail for Video: Ticket to ride
  • Gov. Paul LePage and state lawmakers are at odds about how to fund a voter-approved Medicaid expansion that was supposed to take effect on July 2.

    July 9
    Thumbnail for Video: More drama in Maine as healthcare takes center stage
  • Gov. Phil Murphy and state lawmakers enter the home stretch of a July 1 budget deadline far apart on a spending plan and tax increased needed to combat a steep deficit.

    June 25
    Thumbnail for Video: Is New Jersey headed for a shutdown?