
  • Buyers of municipal bonds will see a sale this week that offers some high yields in return for taking on some additional risk not usually associated with typical deals. California’s Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp. is issuing a $1.7 billion tobacco bond deal consisting of serials and turbo terms.

    June 18
    Thumbnail for Video: Where the yields are
  • The Federal Reserve is expected to raise the fed funds rate target by 25 basis points. Will this lead to more volume?

    June 11
    Thumbnail for Video: Will volume spike after Fed hike?
  • Municipal bond buyers will see a potpourri of offerings hit the screens this week, with infrastructure deals ranging from airports to gas works to ports.

    June 4
    Thumbnail for Video: Supply-studded calendar heavy on building bonds
  • While volume will be under $4 billion, strong demand should continue as the muni market is sound technically and investors are flush with cash. Investors are feeling bullish.

    May 29
    Thumbnail for Video: Munis running with the bulls
  • Coming off the primary market's most robust week of issuance this year, investors will see more than $6 billion hit the calendars this week – with almost a third of that issuance coming from one well-known California issuer.

    May 21
    Thumbnail for Video: Cal Regents leads $6 billion primary calendar
  • This week the municipal bond market is getting what it wants — and what it needs — more supply. Almost $10 billion of new deals are on tap in a calendar that will have something for almost everybody.

    May 14
    Thumbnail for Video: Bigger is better
  • While low volume is frustrating for investors, scarcity is driving demand as buyers have realized they cannot wait for something that will not come. Although this week lacks a large deal, it is full of medium sized deals from a variety of issuers.

    May 7
    Thumbnail for Video: Still dealing with slow slates, muni buyers can’t wait
  • The Federal Open Market Committee meets this week, which means a light primary market calendar of $4.3 billion. With year-over-year core PCE seen at or near 2%, its statement will acknowledge rising inflation.

    April 30
    Thumbnail for Video: Market eyes FOMC as inflation threat rises
  • A $1.4 billion sale from New York Transportation Development Corp., for Delta’s redevelopment at LaGuardia Airport is the bellwether deal of a near $8 billion week of new issuance. This will mark the first time in six years that Delta has issued in the tax exempt market and will be the second largest airline special facility bond ever completed in the municipal market.

    April 23
    Thumbnail for Video: Delta delivering second round of LGA bonds
  • The 2017 top municipal bond issuer is bringing yet another two-billion dollar deal to market, this time around however California will be selling taxable bonds. The new tax legislation leaves the Golden State few options to refinance the 2009 bonds, but the taxable route should have the way for buyers overseas.

    April 16
    Thumbnail for Video: California's taxable treat