As the array of technological solutions available to the muni industry widens, we will take a look at where the industry currently stands when it comes to the tech uptake as well as what latest technological advances are available to help the industry on its way to becoming more efficient.
May 1 -
Our panel of experts will provide an overview of the most pertinent legislative and regulatory developments impacting the Texas' muni industry. Additionally, they will identify what the pressure points are as well as legislative priorities for the state and their impact on Texas public finance – and beyond – in the upcoming year.
May 1 -
Jeffrey Scruggs, Managing Director and Head of Public Sector and Infrastructure Group at Goldman Sachs, sits down with Bond Buyer Executive Editor Lynne Funk on the state of the muni industry.
April 18 -
Attendees of The Bond Buyer National Outlook Conference 2024 will have the opportunity to vote in a live market survey at The Athletic Club in New York City on February 8th, 2024. Topics will include: Market conditions and expectations, Issuance projections, Credit conditions, Evolving investor base
February 16 -
As the municipal market navigates the world of technology and AI, we will get a sense of where things stand and specifically what tech and AI solutions are possible/being developed for issuers, underwriters, and municipal advisors.
February 16 -
As demand for and pushback against ESG grows in the municipal space, market participants will discuss the risks and opportunities surrounding ESG for both investors and issuers.
February 16