Day Two Opening Remarks


Noé Hinojosa, Jr. (00:07):

Good morning. Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Yep. Okay. Let's get this started. Hope you had a good time yesterday. We had various panels and can't wait to have you stay here all day long. This is the second day of the conference. The most fun, not because our first speakers is that kind of an exciting fellow, but we'll hear about him in a minute. I think what's important to note is that Glen has been around, I guess what, maybe about 20 years now. It's amazing how time flies. One of the things that I really appreciate about Glen is his firm commitment to our industry, to the fact that believe in finance wholeheartedly loves numbers, for sure. Always open to new ideas, and not shy about telling you exactly how he feels on new or old ideas, which makes it very easy for some of us who are in this industry trying to make things happen.


So I was just looking at the results of the 2022 election. Weren't you the highest vote getter even over Governor Rabbit? Yeah, that's what the numbers say. So kudos to you, Glenn. It's just an accomplishment, not over the fact that you're the most liked, because I'm sure I could talk to your wife and kids, and sometimes we don't get that popular. But the fact that people trust you, they trust you with all your efforts, especially focused on transparency and how much of a hog you've been for that. So to make a, I know you're not here to hear about the intro. I've introduced this man many, many times. I'd like for you to help me welcome Glenn Hager over to the podium.