Muni Minute

  • California water bonds highlight the light holiday-week calendar.

    April 15
    Thumbnail for Video: Investors poised to get more Cal paper in holiday-shortened week
  • The Golden State keeps its issuance streak alive as it get set to sell $2.1 billion of general obligation bonds later this week. This deal is primarily a refunding — a result of bonds sold in 2009 under the Stimulus Act hitting their 10-year call date.

    April 8
    Thumbnail for Video: California, here we come
  • Green bonds and sustainable offerings are on tap this week as several sales are set to hit the market. Buyers are expected to snap up the paper that aims to fund clean water, school and housing initiatives.

    April 1
    Thumbnail for Video: The color of money, the color of bonds
  • Investors will see municipal bonds of all stripes and shapes hit the market this week, with high-grades and high-yields competing with tax-exempt and taxable, all pricing into a declining yield environment amid recession worries.

    March 25
    Thumbnail for Video: Market offers something for everyone
  • With a mere $2.4 billion of municipal new issuance this week, investors will face stiff competition for paper.

    March 18
    Thumbnail for Video: Slight calendar leaves investors hungry
  • Municipal bond buyers will see several big deals head their way this week. Taking the top spot is a $654 million deal from the Regents of the University of California to be priced by UBS while Citi is set to price the Lower Colorado River Authority's $370 million offering.

    March 11
    Thumbnail for Video: Buyer's choice
  • The West and East Coasts will battle it out for the top municipal deal of the week — with California coming with a $2.3 billion GO deal and NYC coming with almost $990 million of bonds.

    March 4
    Thumbnail for Video: Battle of the coasts
  • Intel Corp. is this week’s top headline act in the municipal bond primary market as issuers in Arizona and Oregon prepare to sell $650 million of industrial and economic development revenue bonds.

    February 25
    Thumbnail for Video: Intel inside
  • The District of Columbia and two Texas issuers are coming to market with municipal bond deals that will warm the hearts of supply-starved investors.

    February 11
    Thumbnail for Video: D.C, Texas top the charts
  • Attention in the municipal bond market turns westward as some of the week's biggest deals will be coming from Hawaii, Washington state and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Buyers will see the biggest issuance week of the year as $7.2 billion of deals will hit the screens.

    February 4
    Thumbnail for Video: Out west