More than $17 billion of general obligation bonds piled onto May 4 election ballots in the state, with voters passing some of the biggest, including Dallas' $1.25 billion, 10-part package.
May 9 -
A state judge issued a temporary injunction against enforcement of the Energy Discrimination Elimination Act, which has led to the ban of seven financial firms, including four big municipal bond underwriters, from government contracts.
May 8 -
Delivery delays for Boeing planes are impacting airports, with Southwest Airlines recently announcing it is pulling out or reducing flights at some facilities.
May 7 -
The rating agency revised the outlook on the state's AA general obligation rating to positive from stable and said there is a one-in-three chance of a future rating upgrade.
May 7 -
The latest revision of Oklahoma's fossil fuel "boycotter" list added Barclays, which joins three other municipal bond underwriters placed there last year.
May 3 -
An amended bill that would clear the way for the Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority to issue bonds for its purchase of the Stanley Hotel, which inspired Stephen King's The Shining, advanced out of a Senate committee.
May 2 -
April's volume stood at $40.456 billion in 653 issues, up 21.2% from $33.377 billion in 666 issues in 2023.
May 1 -
The state House easily overrode the governor's veto of a bill aimed at lowering income, sales, and property taxes,but the Senate's attempt failed by one vote.
April 30 -
School districts, which have been a main driver of debt issuance in Texas, account for 58% of the $17.4 billion of bond requests in Saturday's election.
April 30 -
Teague, most recently an executive director of the municipal securities department at Morgan Stanley, will focus on surface transportation.
April 26