Instead of her original proposal, Miami-Dade County Mayor Levine Cava said she will work toward crafting an even larger bonding plan that will also include money for transit projects.
April 5 -
"HB 727, if signed into law, should lower borrowing costs for Kentucky school districts and will serve as a critical tool in dealing with cost overruns and other inflationary pressures," said Compass Municipal Advisors.
April 4 -
Among the items approved by the state Local Government Commission were $750 million of affordable housing bonds, the Turnpike Authority's Thursday sale of $184 million to refund BABs and Wake County's $321 million refunding bonds.
April 3 -
D.C. promises $515 million in improvements to its existing downtown arena.
March 28 -
"Now that the first phase of Miami Worldcenter is complete and the second phase is underway, our team is issuing bonds backed by the TIF package, which will help defray the cost of the improvements made in the district," the development team said.
March 28 -
LSEG Lipper reported fund inflows of $63.8 million for the week ending Wednesday following $300.5 million of inflows the prior week. High-yield saw its 11th consecutive week of inflows at $180.4 million, down from $278.6 million the week prior.
March 21 -
"The upgrades reflect our view of Louisiana's demonstrated commitment to improving and maintaining reserves above levels that we consider very strong," said S&P.
March 20 -
The Fortress Investment Group-backed Brightline now anticipates carrying 4.9 million passengers between Miami and the Orlando airport.
March 19 -
Separately, Fitch raised Orlando's $159.87 million of Series 2017A senior tourist development tax revenue bonds, 6th-cent contract payments, to A from BBB.
March 14 -
Since Gov. Ron DeSantis took office in 2019, Florida has paid down $5.3 billion of state debt, or about 25% of the Sunshine State's total debt.
March 14