"Even though it will be priced to sell, such large supply in one week may be a struggle for the asset class," said Anders S. Persson, Nuveen's chief investment officer for global fixed income, and Daniel J. Close, Nuveen's head of municipals.
Trading in Los Angeles credits has become more volatile. An L.A. Department of Water and Power deal slated for Wednesday went day-to-day.
The House Ways and Means Committee has kicked off debate on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that is scheduled to sunset at the end of the year, with much at stake for the municipal market.
Lifting the SALT cap is one of several thorny issues Republicans hope to iron out as part of a larger reconciliation bill by March.
The state comptroller forecasts a $23.8 billion budget balance at the start of fiscal 2026-27, down from a record $39.4 billion for fiscal 2024-25.
Wish lists for new or improved professional sports venues are piling up with Oklahoma City poised to vet financing proposals for a downtown basketball arena.