Through the fiscal year's first eight months, revenues are 17.2% above projections.
April 12 -
The Puerto Rico Oversight Board wants the district court's PREPA bankruptcy to continue even if an appeals court considers the bondholders' appeal of a lien ruling.
April 10 -
Economic activity index is up month-to-month but down year-over-year.
April 4 -
The board says the PREPA bondholders are making "extraordinarily broad and burdensome" requests.
April 3 -
The bond parties want the appeals court to immediately consider their liens on revenue but getting this heard before an approved plan of adjustment may be an uphill battle.
March 31 -
In his annual address to Puerto Rico's legislature Pedro Pierluisi hailed the growth of Puerto Rico's economy.
March 30 -
The governor asked the high court to review a ruling that gave the board broad power to overturn laws it deems inconsistent with the island's fiscal health.
March 28 -
Analysts say the PROMESA bankruptcy law is more creditor friendly than how the judge in the PREPA case interprets it.
March 27 -
The ruling may open the way for approval of a payout to bondholders as small as 0.21%.
March 23 -
A magistrate told PREPA bondholders and Oversight Board to continue negotiations for at least another 13 days.
March 21