“The lack of federal funds will affect public safety, road repair, housing, and other essential services,” said Steve Benjamin, the mayor of Columbia, South Carolina, and the
The federal government’s partial shutdown is over, for now. Nevertheless, the consequences for local governments that rely on federal funding for long term investments — housing, infrastructure projects, and

What if higher taxes or local government austerity were not required to build bridges, repair crumbling infrastructures and provide for citizens? While cities and urban counties scramble to find new revenue streams, they are sitting on wealth they don’t even know they own.
The IMF’s
Properly structured and managed in vehicles called ‘Urban Wealth Funds’ this could be as successful in the US as it has been in
Local control over debt and assets has a long tradition in the US, although extreme local government fragmentation has the potential to create inefficient policies leading to poorer fiscal health.
There are many reasons for resources being wasted and obligations hidden, but the antiquated official guidance published by the
Since modern accounting was invented 800 years ago, private sector corporates have had to develop high quality information for decision-making held comprehensively accountable for both the debt and assets under their control. This has helped generate the prosperity enjoyed today. But the same progress has not been made by governments.
The absence of a proper balance sheet, fully integrated into the budget, distorts the incentive for politicians. Local governments still focus mainly on debt, without recognizing the value of the physical assets, using measures such as ‘debt/GDP’ as key targets. This has led to wasteful short-term decisions, such as the
With proper accounting, governments could focus on
A focus on debt alone has also led to governments embracing much-criticized financial techniques such as Public Private Partnerships (PPP), resulting in an undue transfer of public wealth to the private sector. Where the main advantage was keeping debt off the government’s balance sheet.
Adopting the same accounting standards used by private companies for a local government-owned portfolio of public commercial could be done without waiting for federal reforms or using unfavorable financial techniques.
An Urban Wealth Fund is in essence a wholly-owned government holding company that develop and capture the financial upside of underutilized assets such as a Hudson Yards in New York City or the Charles Street Jail in Boston.
Unlike the public sector institutions plagued by politicized decision-making and declining financial viability, such as the
There is a strong demand from investors to take on significantly more long-term dated local government debt, be it taxable or tax-exempt. With modern accounting standards and dedicated asset management, rating agencies would be able to overcome the current short-term rating horizon.
The many distressed cities that struggle and deal with inefficient policies and structural budget imbalances must first of all put in place corrective long-term policies. But America’s fiscally healthy local governments would do well to shift focus towards unlocking the wealth of public assets to help spur growth in the U.S. economy — to the benefit of society as a whole.