Wisconsin to Weigh Ban on Transportation Fund Diversion

CHICAGO — Wisconsin voters will vote next month on whether to amend the state constitution to ban the diversion of transportation fund revenues for other expenses.

Past administrations and legislatures have drawn more than $1 billion in transportation fund revenues to cover other spending.

The referendum asks voters whether the constitution should include a clause limiting the use of revenue generated from road, airports, and harbors taxes and fees should go only to the transportation fund with the majority of revenue coming from gasoline taxes. Other taxes and fees some of which backs the state's transportation bonds also flow to the fund.

The state legislature approved placing the referendum on the ballot in 2011 and 2013. Under law, a constitutional amendment must pass twice before it can appear on the ballot. A majority vote is needed to win approval.

The state's $2 billion of transportation revenue bonds are secured by a first claim on vehicle registration fees and other vehicle registration-related fees including vehicle title transaction fees, registration and title counter service fees, and personalized license plate issuance and renewal fees.

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Transportation industry Wisconsin