Weekly Yields of 20-Bond GO Index and Treasury Securities

Latest Previous Year 12-Month

Week Week Ago High Low 20-Bond Index 5.98 6.02 5.01 6.09 5.01 10-Year Treasury Note 6.57 6.66 5.04 6.79 5.04 30-Year Treasury Bond 6.22 6.44 5.36 6.73 5.36 Basis Pt Spread to Note 59 64 3 70 -4 BBI as % of Note 91.0 90.4 99.4 100.7 89.7 Basis Pt Spread to Bond 24 42 35 72 11 BBI as % of Bond 96.1 93.5 93.5 98.2 88.3

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