Weekly T-Bills Go at 0.055%, 0.260% High Rates

Tender rates for the Treasury Department's latest 91-day and 182-day discount bills were lower, as the three-months incurred a 0.055% high rate, down from 0.075% the prior week, and the six-months incurred a 0.260% high rate, down from 0.275% the week before.

Coupon equivalents were 0.056% and 0.265%, respectively.

The price for the 91s was 99.986097 and that for the 182s was 99.865556.

The median bid on the 91s was 0.045%. The low bid was 0.025%.

Tenders at the high rate were allotted 48.35%. The bid-to-cover ratio was 3.84.

Tenders totaled $76,714,891,300 and the Treasury accepted $20,000,146,300 including $350,578,000 of non-competitive.

The Fed banks bought nothing for themselves.

The median bid for the 182s was 0.250%. The low bid was 0.200%.

Tenders at the high rate were allotted 59.99%. The bid-to-cover ratio was 3.99.

Tenders totaled $79,791,004,500 and the Treasury accepted $20,000,499,500, including $261,104,500 of non-competitive.

The Fed banks bought nothing for themselves.

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