Walker Warns of Wisconsin Project Delays Without Bond Approval


CHICAGO – Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is urging state lawmakers to sign off on $200 million of general obligation borrowing for transportation projects that face delays without the infusion of funds.

Walker’s Department of Transportation has formally submitted the request to the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee to release the funds. The funding was included in the state’s new two-year budget but the authorization is contingent on the committee’s approval.

Failure to approve it will mean two-year delays for important projects, Walker said at a news conference Oct. 20.

“This contingent bonding will reduce delays for major highway projects, which is important for the economic welfare of the state,” he said. “More importantly, however, it is vital to ensure the safety of Wisconsin’s motorists.”

The state’s current two year budget signed into law by Walker this past summer authorizes $350 million in GO borrowing authority for either the Major Highway Development or State Highway Rehabilitation programs contingent on committee approval. It limits $200 million of the financing to fiscal 2016 and $150 million to fiscal 2017. Of the $200 million, $125 million would go to the development program and $75 million to the rehabilitation program.

While the Republican governor enjoys GOP majorities in the Legislature, he has butted heads with some leaders over borrowing and transportation spending levels and is expected to need Democratic support on the committee.

Sen. Alberta Darling, who co-chairs the JFC, said Senate Republicans are not expected to approve the request but the measure could still clear with House Republican support and Democratic votes. The committee is expected to meet next month to take up the matter.

More than half of Wisconsin’s most recent GO sale was earmarked for transportation projects.

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Transportation industry Wisconsin