After nearly four years as managing director in the corporate and municipal credit solutions group at NewOak Capital LLC, veteran municipal market analyst and commentator Triet Nguyen, is joining New Hampshire-based fixed income data market provider Triangle Park Capital Markets Data.

He will begin at TPCMD on April 2, and will be based in Chicago, after his March 30 departure from NewOak, where he was a senior member of the team that helped build out its capabilities and assist clients in fundamental credit assessment, surveillance and portfolio monitoring to improve credit oversight, risk, and regulatory transparency over the last four years.
After more than three decades on the investment side of the municipal market, Nguyen told The Bond Buyer his new endeavor will be an extension of the work he was doing at NewOak and also an opportunity to “branch out into something more challenging in financial technology, which is an area of potential growth in the industry.”
In his new role at Triangle Park, Nguyen will be a principal, and the head of municipal credit and professional services, working on the development of credit analytics and trading software.
“Although the last few years at NewOak have been tremendously rewarding from a professional standpoint, after more than three decades in the research and portfolio management trenches, I’m feeling the need to branch out and pursue something a little different,” Nguyen said.
“At Triangle Park, I’m hoping to have a chance to help solve our industry’s ongoing data problems, as well as develop new analytical tools based on the latest technology,” he added.
Over his more than 30 year career, Nguyen has been a buy side analyst for various sectors, issues, transactions, and products -- from mutual funds to managed accounts -- but specializing in high-yield and distressed bonds and has been a frequent commentator focusing on Puerto Rico and tobacco debt.
Nguyen said he looks forward to working with Ron Valinoti, founder of Triangle Park, who he called a “pioneer of price discovery in the municipal market” and has over 30 years experienced in the financial information services industry, including particular expertise in fixed income valuation and credit analysis/surveillance, reference database design, and development.
Triangle Park, a fixed-income data and analysis provider, focuses on managerial and consultancy services in the interpretation and integration of OTC data in support of overall market surveillance. The company is part of the consortium that comprises data provider Municipal Bond Information Services. MBIS data can be accessed on the
Nguyen will bring his extensive knowledge and expertise of the municipal market to the more than 50-year-old firm, which has combined fixed income experience in market data, analysis and price surveillance and is positioned to assist asset managers and broker dealers to adapt to the changing regulatory landscape around fixed income portfolio monitoring surveillance and verification, according to its website.
Besides NewOak, Nguyen previously served as managing partner of Axios Advisors LLC, an independent municipal research and investment advisory firm that he founded in 2002 and specialized in corporate and municipal bonds, high-income strategies, and the high-yield and distressed sectors.
At the former B.C. Ziegler, he was a senior vice president and traded tax-exempt high-yield and taxable municipal bonds, including Build America Bonds.
Nguyen’s experience also included a role as managing partner from 2004 to 2008 at Saybrook Capital LLC, where he managed one of the first-ever municipal hedge funds dedicated to a credit strategy.
Prior to 2000, he was a vice president and portfolio manager at the John Hancock Funds and began his early career at Putnam Funds, where he was a senior portfolio manager for 12 years.
Nguyen is also the author of “Investing in the High Yield Municipal Market,” published by Bloomberg Press. He received a bachelor of arts degree in economics and a masters of business administration in finance and accounting from University of Chicago.