Treasury Indexed 10-Year TIPs Go at 0.466% High Yield

The Treasury Department sold $11 billion of inflation-indexed 9-year, 10-month TIPs at a 0.466% high yield, an adjusted price of 99.636307, with a 3/8% coupon.

The bid-to-cover ratio was 2.23.

Tenders at the market-clearing yield were allotted 82.01%.

The notes are dated Jan. 31 and are due Jan. 15, 2027.

Among competitive tenders, the median yield was 0.408% and the low yield 0.340%, Treasury said.

Tenders totaled $24,489,599,000 of which the Treasury accepted $11,000,020,400. Noncompetitive tenders totaled $21,627,000. Fed banks bought $1,331,722,600 for their own accounts.

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