A Texas lawmaker is once again attempting to block bond financing for an Austin light-rail project with a bill that would place prohibitions on the use of property tax revenue to back debt under certain circumstances.
House Bill 3879 filed by Republican State Rep. Ellen Troxclair last week
In November 2020, Austin
Enactment of Troxclair's Texas Taxpayer & Voter Defense Act would stop Austin from using or transferring the voter-approved property tax revenue to ATP for bond payments. The bill would also prohibit local governments or their corporations from using voter-approved property tax revenue that is subject to annual appropriation to repay "a public security," including bonds, certificates, and notes.
The measure would make a ballot proposition "materially deviate" under the state tax code due to significant changes in the cost or scope of its purpose. In the case of a court challenge, property owners would be entitled to an injunction against tax collection and a tax refund if successful.
"We don't want local governments creating new ways to increase our taxes and we certainly don't want schemes that circumvent critical taxpayer protections," Troxclair said in a statement. "This common-sense legislation will defend Texans' right to transparency and accountability in how their tax dollars are used."
She also pointed to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's call in his State of the State address for
Greg Canally, ATP's executive director, said in a statement that Austin voters "overwhelmingly approved this project that will reduce travel times, spur the development of much-needed housing, and generate jobs and state-wide economic benefits."
A downsizing of the project in the wake of a steep cost increase
A 2023 Texas Attorney General opinion determined state law "
Last year,
In January, ATP released a
A bill Troxclair filed in 2023