Title: Partner
Firm: Mayer Brown
Age: 39
Stephanie Wagner joined the Mayer Brown’s government relations & public law practice in 2008 and has served as bond counsel, underwriters’ counsel, issuer’s counsel, borrower’s counsel and credit providers’ counsel on various municipal finance transactions involving transportation assets, schools, 501(c)(3) corporations and others.
Stephanie’s expertise lies in leveraging her municipal finance background to represent both government and private sector clients on the financing side of cutting-edge public-private partnership deals for roadways, rail, airports, bridges and mass transit. She devises sophisticated, innovative ways to use tax-exempt financing, such as private activity bonds (PABs) to benefit clients and bring projects to financial close.
She was recently made chair of the bond attorneys’ workshop P3 panels, with her term running for the next three years. Stephanie frequently speaks at public-private partnership conferences and most recently served as a panelist on “P3 Financing” at the P3Connect Bootcamp in Chicago on June 28, organized by the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships.
Stephanie serves as outside counsel on a pro
Stephanie grew up in a small town in South Dakota but spent several years abroad in Brussels, Japan and Chile. She still loves traveling when she can get away, but if at home she escapes through her second hobby of cooking.
“Stephanie Wagner is one of just a few women lawyers in the US with an impressive track record of handling the municipal finance aspects of major, first-of-their-kind public-private partnership (P3) transactions that are changing the future of the nation’s transportation infrastructure.” David Narefsky, Partner, Mayer Brown