R.I. House Panel to Reconvene Over 38 Studios

Former Rhode Island House of Representatives Finance Committee chairman Steven Costantino is scheduled to testify Jan. 14 before the House Oversight Committee on his role in the passage of the job creation guaranty program that provided a $75 million loan – backed by the state's moral obligation -- to former baseball pitcher Curt Schilling's video game company 38 Studios, which later failed.

The committee is scheduled to meet at the rise of the House session, after 4:30 p.m. in Room 101 on the first floor of the State House in Providence.

The meeting is part of the committee's hearings into the matters leading up to the state's support of 38 Studios. It will also include an update on the committee's subpoenas of Schilling and Providence lawyer Michael Corso, who in November agreed to pay $45,000 to settle a trustee's claims that Corso received a $230,000 consulting fee right as 38 Studios folded.

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