Results of Negotiated Sales


Rio Rico Fire District

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $4,065,000

General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Nov 30, 2016.

Due Jul 1, 2017 to 2037.

First coupon Jul 1, 2017.


Purchased through negotiation by Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
7/1/17 $100,000 2.00% 0.88% BAM
7/1/18 $10,000 2.00% 1.15% BAM
7/1/19 $120,000 3.00% 1.31% BAM
7/1/20 $125,000 4.00% 1.45% BAM
7/1/21 $125,000 4.00% 1.60% BAM
7/1/22 $220,000 4.00% 1.72% BAM
7/1/23 $225,000 4.00% 1.85% BAM
7/1/24 $240,000 4.00% 1.90% BAM
7/1/25 $245,000 4.00% 2.00% BAM
7/1/26 $255,000 4.00% 2.05% BAM
7/1/27 $265,000 4.00% 2.18% BAM
7/1/28 $275,000 4.00% 2.37% BAM
7/1/29 $290,000 5.00% 2.57% BAM
7/1/30 $300,000 5.00% 2.65% BAM
7/1/37 $1,270,000 5.00% 3.30% BAM

L.O.: Gust Rosenfeld, Phoenix, AZ.


Rogers (City)

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $26,575,000

Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 (book entry) $12,850,000.

Dated Dec 13, 2016. Interest accrues Dec 13, 2016.

Due Nov 1, 2017 to 2028.

First coupon May 1, 2017.

2024-2028 Callable May 1, 2024 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Crews & Associates, Inc., Stephens Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
11/1/17 $395,000 3.00% 0.90%
11/1/18 $1,035,000 3.00% 1.05%
11/1/19 $1,065,000 3.00% 1.20%
11/1/20 $1,095,000 3.00% 1.36%
11/1/21 $1,130,000 4.00% 1.48%
11/1/22 $1,175,000 4.00% 1.60%
11/1/23 $1,220,000 4.00% 1.75%
11/1/24 $1,265,000 4.00% 1.91%
11/1/25 $1,315,000 4.00% 2.05%
11/1/26 $1,365,000 4.00% 2.16%
11/1/27 $1,420,000 4.00% 2.27%
11/1/28 $370,000 4.00% 2.37%

Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 (book entry) $13,725,000.

Dated Dec 13, 2016. Interest accrues Dec 13, 2016.

Due Nov 1, 2017 to 2035.

First coupon May 1, 2017.

2024-2035 Callable May 1, 2024 at par.

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
11/1/17 $380,000 3.00% 0.90%
11/1/18 $335,000 3.00% 1.05%
11/1/19 $345,000 3.00% 1.20%
11/1/20 $350,000 3.00% 1.36%
11/1/21 $365,000 4.00% 1.48%
11/1/22 $380,000 4.00% 1.60%
11/1/23 $395,000 4.00% 1.75%
11/1/24 $410,000 4.00% 1.91%
11/1/25 $425,000 4.00% 2.05%
11/1/26 $440,000 4.00% 2.16%
11/1/27 $460,000 4.00% 2.27%
11/1/28 $480,000 4.00% 2.37%
11/1/29 $500,000 4.00% 2.45%
11/1/30 $1,535,000 4.00% 2.53%
11/1/32 $3,250,000 3.00% 3.13%
11/1/35 $3,675,000 3.125% 3.32%

L.O.: Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard, Little Rock, AR.


California Affordable Housing Agency

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $4,010,000

Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A (Imperial VY Housing Authority IV Apartment) (bank qualified) (book entry) $3,755,000.

Dated Nov 29, 2016.

Due Nov 1, 2018 to 2031.

First coupon May 1, 2017.

2027-2031 Callable Nov 1, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Brandis Tallman, LLC, as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
11/1/18 $215,000 2.00% 1.35%
11/1/19 $240,000 3.00% 1.54%
11/1/20 $255,000 3.00% 1.79%
11/1/21 $255,000 3.00% 2.00%
11/1/22 $270,000 3.00% 2.22%
11/1/27 $1,440,000 3.00% 3.13%
11/1/28 $315,000 3.00% 3.28%
11/1/29 $325,000 3.125% 3.40%
11/1/30 $335,000 3.25% 3.51%
11/1/31 $105,000 3.375% 3.62%

L.O.: Jones Hall, San Francisco, CA.

Fortuna Elementary School District

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $2,915,000

General Obligation Bonds, 2010 Election, Series C (bank qualified) (book entry) $1,145,000.

Dated Dec 13, 2016.

Due Aug 1, 2018 to 2026.

First coupon Feb 1, 2018.


Purchased through negotiation by Raymond James & Associates, Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
8/1/18 $30,000 7.00% 1.15% BAM
8/1/19 $95,000 7.00% 1.31% BAM
8/1/20 $115,000 7.00% 1.48% BAM
8/1/21 $125,000 7.00% 1.63% BAM
8/1/22 $135,000 7.00% 1.73% BAM
8/1/23 $155,000 7.00% 1.87% BAM
8/1/24 $165,000 7.00% 2.04% BAM
8/1/25 $185,000 7.00% 2.19% BAM
8/1/26 $140,000 7.00% 2.32% BAM

2016 General Obligation Refunding Bonds (bank qualified) (book entry) $1,770,000.

Dated Dec 13, 2016.

Due Aug 1, 2017 to 2035.

First coupon Feb 1, 2017.

2027-2035 Callable Aug 1, 2026 at par.

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
8/1/17 $15,000 2.00% 0.75% BAM
8/1/18 $25,000 2.00% 0.95% BAM
8/1/19 $20,000 2.00% 1.11% BAM
8/1/20 $20,000 2.00% 1.24% BAM
8/1/21 $95,000 2.00% 1.36% BAM
8/1/22 $95,000 3.00% 1.46% BAM
8/1/23 $95,000 3.00% 1.60% BAM
8/1/24 $100,000 3.00% 1.77% BAM
8/1/25 $100,000 3.00% 1.92% BAM
8/1/26 $105,000 3.00% 2.05% BAM
8/1/29 $335,000 3.00% 2.55% BAM
8/1/32 $360,000 3.00% 2.82% BAM
8/1/35 $405,000 3.25% 3.20% BAM

L.O.: Jones Hall, San Francisco, CA.

San Bernardino County Community Facilities District No.2006-1 (Lytle Creek North)

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $9,970,000

Special Tax Bonds, Series 2016 (Improvement Area No. 4) (book entry)

Dated Nov 29, 2016.

Due Sep 1, 2018 to 2047.

First coupon Mar 1, 2017.

2027-2047 Callable Sep 1, 2022 at 103.000%, declining to par Sep 1, 2022.

Purchased through negotiation by Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
9/1/18 $205,000 2.00% 1.08%
9/1/19 $210,000 2.00% 1.37%
9/1/20 $215,000 2.00% 1.66%
9/1/21 $220,000 2.00% 2.00%
9/1/22 $220,000 2.00% 2.13%
9/1/23 $225,000 2.00% 2.31%
9/1/24 $230,000 2.25% 2.50%
9/1/25 $235,000 2.50% 2.68%
9/1/26 $240,000 4.00% 2.78%
9/1/27 $250,000 4.00% 2.97%
9/1/28 $260,000 4.00% 3.06%
9/1/29 $270,000 4.25% 3.21%
9/1/30 $285,000 4.25% 3.28%
9/1/31 $295,000 4.25% 3.35%
9/1/32 $310,000 3.50% 3.64%
9/1/33 $320,000 3.50% 3.70%
9/1/34 $330,000 3.50% 3.80%
9/1/35 $340,000 3.625% 3.84%
9/1/36 $355,000 3.625% 3.87%
9/1/42 $2,425,000 4.00% 4.00%
9/1/47 $1,530,000 4.00% 4.05%
9/1/47 $1,000,000 5.00% 3.63%

L.O.: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, Los Angeles, CA.

F.A.: CSG Advisors Inc., San Francisco, CA.


Bay Laurel Center Community Development District

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $5,125,000

Special Assessment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 Indigo (book entry) $3,380,000.

Dated Nov 17, 2016.

Due May 1, 2017 to 2037.

First coupon May 1, 2017.

2028-2037 Callable May 1, 2027 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by FMSbonds, Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
5/1/17 $55,000 2.00% 1.30%
5/1/18 $125,000 2.00% 1.50%
5/1/19 $130,000 2.00% 1.75%
5/1/20 $130,000 2.25% 2.00%
5/1/21 $135,000 2.25% 2.25%
5/1/22 $135,000 2.25% 2.45%
5/1/23 $140,000 2.50% 2.60%
5/1/24 $145,000 2.75% 2.80%
5/1/25 $145,000 3.00% 3.05%
5/1/31 $990,000 3.75% 3.75%
5/1/37 $1,250,000 4.00% 4.00%

Special Assessment Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 Candler (book entry) $1,745,000.

Dated Nov 17, 2016.

Due May 1, 2017 to 2037.

First coupon May 1, 2017.

2028-2037 Callable May 1, 2027 at par.

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
5/1/17 $25,000 3.00% 2.00%
5/1/18 $60,000 3.00% 2.50%
5/1/19 $60,000 3.00% 2.75%
5/1/20 $65,000 3.50% 3.00%
5/1/21 $65,000 3.50% 3.25%
5/1/22 $65,000 3.50% 3.50%
5/1/23 $70,000 3.50% 3.60%
5/1/24 $70,000 3.75% 3.75%
5/1/25 $75,000 3.75% 3.85%
5/1/31 $515,000 4.125% 4.20%
5/1/37 $675,000 4.50% 4.50%

L.O.: Greenberg Traurig, P.A., Tallahassee, FL.

Gulf County

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $3,440,000

Limited Ad Valorem Tax Bonds, Series 2016 (Cape San Blas Beach Renourishment Project - Bayside, Gulfside Beachfront and Gulfside Interior MSTUs) (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Nov 17, 2016.

Due Nov 1, 2017 to 2026.

First coupon May 1, 2017.


Purchased through negotiation by Harbor Financial Services, as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
11/1/17 $315,000 2.00% 1.50%
11/1/18 $315,000 2.00% 1.75%
11/1/19 $320,000 2.00% 1.90%
11/1/20 $330,000 2.00% 2.15%
11/1/21 $335,000 2.25% 2.40%
11/1/26 $1,825,000 3.00% 3.132%

L.O.: Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, Tampa, FL.


Bremen Community High School District No. 228

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $50,000,000

General Obligation Limited Tax Debt Certificates, Series 2016 (book entry)

Dated Nov 14, 2016.

Due Dec 1, 2017 to 2026.

First coupon Jun 1, 2017.

2017-2026 Callable Dec 29, 2016 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Mesirow Financial, Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
12/1/26 $50,000,000 5.00% 0.80%

L.O.: Chapman and Cutler LLP, Chicago, IL.

F.A.: Crystal Financial Consultants, Steger, IL.

West Chicago Park District

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $680,000

General Obligation Limited Park Bonds, Series 2016A (bank qualified) (book entry) $430,000.

Dated Nov 22, 2016.

Due Nov 15, 2017.

First coupon Nov 15, 2017.


Purchased through negotiation by George K. Baum & Co., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
11/15/17 $430,000 2.00% 1.60%

L.O.: Ice Miller, Chicago, IL.


Benton School Improvement Building Corporation

Nov 9, 2016 . . . . . . $6,470,000

First Mortgage Bonds, Series 2016 (Indiana State Aid Intercept Program) (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Dec 1, 2016.

Due Jul 15, 2027 to 2030.

First coupon Jul 15, 2017.

2027-2030 Callable Jul 15, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by George K. Baum & Co., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
7/15/27 $1,025,000 4.00% 2.13%
7/15/28 $2,110,000 4.00% 2.25%
7/15/29 $2,200,000 4.00% 2.35%
7/15/30 $1,135,000 4.00% 2.43%

L.O.: Bose McKinney & Evans LLP, Indianapolis, IN.


Massachusetts Development Finance Agency

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $41,530,000

Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 (Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Issue) (book entry)

Dated Nov 22, 2016.

Due Jul 1, 2021 to 2041.

First coupon Jul 1, 2017.

2027-2041 Callable Jan 1, 2027 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
7/1/21 $1,135,000 4.00% 1.21%
7/1/22 $1,175,000 4.00% 1.30%
7/1/23 $1,240,000 4.00% 1.44%
7/1/24 $2,190,000 4.00% 1.60%
7/1/25 $2,335,000 4.00% 1.78%
7/1/26 $2,475,000 4.00% 1.92%
7/1/27 $2,605,000 5.00% 2.08%
7/1/28 $2,760,000 5.00% 2.22%
7/1/29 $2,935,000 5.00% 2.32%
7/1/30 $3,110,000 5.00% 2.40%
7/1/31 $3,300,000 5.00% 2.47%
7/1/41 $16,270,000 4.00% 3.28%

L.O.: Locke Lord LLP, Boston, MA.

Massachusetts Development Finance Agency

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $15,000,000

Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 (Sterling & Francine ClarkArt Ins Issue) (CpnSteps:11/22/16-12/31/19 @2.375%,1/1/20-12/31/26@3.25%, 1/1/27-6/30/35 @3.5%, 7/1/31-6/30/35@4.5%, 7/1/35-7/1/41@5%) (book entry)

Dated Nov 22, 2016.

Due Jul 1, 2037 to 2041.

First coupon Jul 1, 2017.

2037-2041 Callable Jan 1, 2020 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
7/1/41 $15,000,000 2.375% 2.375%

L.O.: Locke Lord LLP, Boston, MA.


Cape Girardeau County Reorganized School District R-II

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $6,930,000

General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016B (Missouri Direct Deposit Program) (Jackson R-2 School District) (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Dec 30, 2016.

Due Mar 1, 2017 to 2036.

First coupon Mar 1, 2017.

2027-2036 Callable Mar 1, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by George K. Baum & Co., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
3/1/17 $900,000 2.00% 0.70%
3/1/24 $150,000 3.00% 1.55%
3/1/25 $150,000 3.00% 1.70%
3/1/26 $175,000 3.00% 1.80%
3/1/27 $200,000 3.00% 1.87%
3/1/28 $200,000 3.00% 1.97%
3/1/29 $225,000 3.00% 2.05%
3/1/30 $230,000 3.00% 2.20%
3/1/31 $300,000 3.00% 2.30%
3/1/32 $400,000 3.00% 2.40%
3/1/33 $1,000,000 3.00% 2.50%
3/1/34 $1,000,000 3.00% 2.60%
3/1/35 $1,000,000 4.00% 2.23%
3/1/36 $1,000,000 4.00% 2.28%

L.O.: Gilmore & Bell, Kansas City, MO.


Neligh (City)

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $590,000

General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Dec 15, 2016.

Due Dec 15, 2017 to 2025.

First coupon Jun 15, 2017.

2022-2025 Callable Dec 15, 2021 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Ameritas Investment Corp., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
12/15/17 $55,000 1.00% 1.00%
12/15/18 $60,000 1.10% 1.10%
12/15/19 $55,000 1.20% 1.20%
12/15/20 $60,000 1.30% 1.30%
12/15/21 $65,000 1.45% 1.45%
12/15/22 $70,000 1.55% 1.55%
12/15/23 $70,000 1.70% 1.70%
12/15/24 $75,000 1.85% 1.85%
12/15/25 $80,000 2.00% 2.00%

L.O.: Rembolt Ludtke, Lincoln, NE.

Trenton Vlg

Nov 9, 2016 . . . . . . $790,000

General Obligation Water Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Dec 14, 2016.

Due Jul 15, 2022 to 2038.

First coupon Jan 15, 2017.

2022-2038 Callable Dec 14, 2021 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by D.A. Davidson & Co., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
7/15/22 $170,000 1.55% 1.55%
7/15/26 $130,000 2.10% 2.10%
7/15/29 $105,000 2.60% 2.70%
7/15/32 $115,000 3.00% 3.00%
7/15/35 $125,000 3.20% 3.30%
7/15/38 $145,000 3.40% 3.50%

L.O.: Baird, Holm, LLP, Omaha, NE.


Charlotte Valley Central School District

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $3,425,000

School District Refunding Serial Bonds, 2016 (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Nov 29, 2016.

Due Jun 15, 2017 to 2025.

First coupon Jun 15, 2017.


Purchased through negotiation by Roosevelt & Cross, Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
6/15/17 $5,000 1.00% 0.85%
6/15/18 $30,000 1.25% 1.00%
6/15/19 $30,000 4.00% 1.15%
6/15/20 $525,000 4.00% 1.20%
6/15/21 $545,000 1.50% 1.30%
6/15/22 $555,000 1.75% 1.35%
6/15/23 $565,000 2.00% 1.42%
6/15/24 $575,000 2.00% 1.55%
6/15/25 $595,000 2.00% 1.65%

L.O.: Timothy R. McGill, Esq., Fairport, NY.

F.A.: Bernard P. Donegan, Inc., Victor, NY.


Stanley (City)

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $675,000

Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016 (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Dec 15, 2016.

Due May 1, 2032.

First coupon May 1, 2017.

2032-2032 Callable May 1, 2022 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Dougherty & Company LLC, as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
5/1/32 $675,000 2.00% 2.00%

L.O.: Steven L. Vogelpohl, Bismarck, ND.


Blount County

Nov 9, 2016 . . . . . . $125,930,000

General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016B (book entry) $117,010,000.

Dated Dec 1, 2016.

Due Jun 1, 2017 to 2037.

First coupon Jun 1, 2017.

2027-2037 Callable Jun 1, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, FTN Financial Capital Markets, Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., Raymond James & Associates, Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
6/1/17 $2,655,000 2.00% 0.72%
6/1/18 $2,670,000 5.00% 0.82%
6/1/19 $2,910,000 5.00% 0.98%
6/1/20 $115,000 5.00% 1.10%
6/1/21 $125,000 5.00% 1.22%
6/1/22 $7,005,000 5.00% 1.32%
6/1/23 $7,350,000 5.00% 1.44%
6/1/24 $7,135,000 5.00% 1.60%
6/1/25 $7,460,000 5.00% 1.74%
6/1/26 $7,780,000 5.00% 1.86%
6/1/27 $8,090,000 5.00% 1.97%
6/1/28 $9,895,000 5.00% 2.06%
6/1/29 $10,255,000 5.00% 2.17%
6/1/30 $3,175,000 5.00% 2.23%
6/1/32 $5,770,000 5.00% 2.36%
6/1/33 $6,220,000 5.00% 2.42%
6/1/34 $6,570,000 4.00% 2.73%
6/1/35 $6,865,000 5.00% 2.51%
6/1/36 $7,275,000 5.00% 2.55%
6/1/37 $7,690,000 5.00% 2.58%

L.O.: Bass, Berry & Sims PLC, Knoxville, TN.

F.A.: Public Financial Management, Inc., Memphis, TN.


Alton (City)

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $3,465,000

Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016A (bank qualified) (book entry)

Dated Nov 15, 2016. Interest accrues Nov 30, 2016.

Due Aug 15, 2023 to 2036.

First coupon Aug 15, 2017.

2027-2036 Callable Aug 15, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Oppenheimer & Co., Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
8/15/24 $390,000 4.00% 2.00% BAM
8/15/26 $420,000 4.00% 2.18% BAM
8/15/29 $695,000 4.00% 2.48% BAM
8/15/31 $510,000 4.00% 2.62% BAM
8/15/32 $270,000 4.00% 2.75% BAM
8/15/34 $570,000 3.00% 3.20% BAM
8/15/36 $610,000 3.125% 3.316% BAM

L.O.: The J. Ramirez Law Firm, San Juan, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: Wells Nelson & Associates, LLC, Dallas, TX.

Brownsville (City)

Nov 10, 2016 . . . . . . $12,285,000

General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A (book entry)

Dated Nov 1, 2016. Interest accrues Dec 21, 2016.

Due Feb 15, 2017 to 2027.

First coupon Feb 15, 2017.

2027-2027 Callable Feb 15, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
2/15/17 $290,000 2.00% 0.87%
2/15/18 $670,000 4.00% 1.02%
2/15/19 $700,000 4.00% 1.18%
2/15/20 $1,235,000 4.00% 1.32%
2/15/21 $1,300,000 4.00% 1.45%
2/15/22 $1,345,000 4.00% 1.60%
2/15/23 $1,400,000 2.00% 1.72%
2/15/24 $905,000 2.125% 1.88%
2/15/25 $1,435,000 2.25% 2.05%
2/15/26 $1,475,000 2.375% 2.20%
2/15/27 $1,530,000 5.00% 2.36%

L.O.: McCall Parkhurst & Horton, Austin, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: Estrada Hinojosa & Company, Inc., Dallas, TX.

Denton County Fresh Water Supply District No. 8-A

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $3,540,000

Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 (bank qualified) (book entry) $1,715,000.

Dated Dec 1, 2016. Interest accrues Dec 1, 2016.

Due Sep 1, 2017 to 2035.

First coupon Mar 1, 2017.

2025-2035 Callable Sep 1, 2024 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by RBC Capital Markets, as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
9/1/17 $30,000 2.00% 1.00% BAM
9/1/18 $65,000 2.00% 1.20% BAM
9/1/19 $70,000 2.00% 1.40% BAM
9/1/20 $65,000 2.00% 1.60% BAM
9/1/23 $220,000 3.00% 2.00% BAM
9/1/26 $255,000 4.00% 2.25% BAM
9/1/29 $295,000 4.00% 2.50% BAM
9/1/32 $330,000 4.00% 2.70% BAM
9/1/35 $385,000 4.00% 2.90% BAM

Road Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 (bank qualified) (book entry) $1,825,000.

Dated Dec 1, 2016. Interest accrues Dec 1, 2016.

Due Sep 1, 2017 to 2032.

First coupon Mar 1, 2017.

2025-2032 Callable Sep 1, 2024 at par.

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
9/1/17 $110,000 2.00% 1.00% BAM
9/1/18 $90,000 2.00% 1.20% BAM
9/1/19 $90,000 2.00% 1.40% BAM
9/1/20 $95,000 2.00% 1.60% BAM
9/1/23 $305,000 3.00% 2.00% BAM
9/1/26 $330,000 4.00% 2.25% BAM
9/1/28 $250,000 4.00% 2.40% BAM
9/1/30 $265,000 4.00% 2.55% BAM
9/1/32 $290,000 4.00% 2.70% BAM

L.O.: McCall Parkhurst & Horton, Dallas, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., Houston, TX.


Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel Commission

Nov 9, 2016 . . . . . . $321,515,000

First Tier General Resolution Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 (book entry)

Dated Nov 10, 2016.

Due Jul 1, 2035 to 2055.

First coupon Jan 1, 2017.

2035-2055 Callable Jul 1, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BB&T Capital Markets a division of BB&T Securities, LLC, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., Raymond James & Associates, Inc., Wells Fargo Securities, as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
7/1/41 $89,505,000 5.00% 3.16% AGM
7/1/46 $110,770,000 5.00% 3.33%
7/1/51 $96,240,000 5.00% 3.46%
7/1/55 $25,000,000 4.00% 4.00% AGM

L.O.: Nixon Peabody LLP, New York, NY.

F.A.: Public Financial Management, Inc., Richmond, VA.

Virginia Port Authority

Nov 9, 2016 . . . . . . $99,230,000

Port Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016B (book entry) (AMT)

Dated Nov 17, 2016.

Due Jul 1, 2018 to 2045.

First coupon Jul 1, 2017.

2027-2045 Callable Jul 1, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., Raymond James & Associates, Inc., Siebert Cisneros Shank & Co., L.L.C., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
7/1/18 $1,815,000 5.00% 1.14%
7/1/19 $1,905,000 5.00% 1.31%
7/1/20 $2,000,000 5.00% 1.45%
7/1/21 $2,105,000 5.00% 1.60%
7/1/22 $2,205,000 5.00% 1.72%
7/1/23 $2,315,000 5.00% 1.89%
7/1/24 $2,430,000 5.00% 2.08%
7/1/25 $2,555,000 5.00% 2.26%
7/1/26 $2,680,000 5.00% 2.42%
7/1/27 $2,815,000 5.00% 2.58%
7/1/29 $2,955,000 5.00% 2.82%
7/1/30 $3,105,000 5.00% 2.90%
7/1/31 $3,260,000 5.00% 3.02%
7/1/32 $3,425,000 5.00% 3.09%
7/1/33 $3,595,000 5.00% 3.15%
7/1/34 $3,775,000 5.00% 3.20%
7/1/35 $3,965,000 5.00% 3.24%
7/1/36 $4,160,000 5.00% 3.27%
7/1/41 $24,135,000 5.00% 3.38%
7/1/45 $24,030,000 5.00% 3.42%

L.O.: Williams Mullen, Norfolk, VA.



California Affordable Housing Agency

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $4,010,000

Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A-T (Imperial VY Housing Authority IV Apartment) (book entry) (Taxable) $255,000.

Dated Nov 29, 2016.

Due Nov 1, 2018.

First coupon May 1, 2017.


Purchased through negotiation by Brandis Tallman, LLC, as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
11/1/18 $255,000 2.00% 2.35%

L.O.: Jones Hall, San Francisco, CA.


West Chicago Park District

Nov 8, 2016 . . . . . . $680,000

General Obligation Limited Park Bonds, Series 2016B (book entry) (Taxable) $250,000.

Dated Nov 22, 2016.

Due Nov 15, 2017.

First coupon Nov 15, 2017.


Purchased through negotiation by George K. Baum & Co., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
11/15/17 $250,000 1.75% 1.75%

L.O.: Ice Miller, Chicago, IL.


Blount County

Nov 9, 2016 . . . . . . $125,930,000

General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A (book entry) (Taxable) $8,920,000.

Dated Dec 1, 2016.

Due Jun 1, 2017 to 2037.

First coupon Jun 1, 2017.


Purchased through negotiation by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, FTN Financial Capital Markets, Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., Raymond James & Associates, Inc., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
6/1/17 $370,000 0.97% 0.97%
6/1/18 $500,000 1.12% 1.12%
6/1/19 $500,000 1.36% 1.36%
6/1/20 $505,000 1.53% 1.53%
6/1/21 $510,000 1.73% 1.73%
6/1/22 $330,000 2.05% 2.05%
6/1/23 $340,000 2.23% 2.23%
6/1/24 $345,000 2.41% 2.41%
6/1/25 $355,000 2.59% 2.59%
6/1/26 $365,000 2.68% 2.68%
6/1/27 $375,000 2.81% 2.81%
6/1/28 $385,000 2.96% 2.96%
6/1/29 $395,000 3.06% 3.06%
6/1/30 $405,000 3.11% 3.11%
6/1/31 $420,000 3.21% 3.21%
6/1/32 $430,000 3.35% 3.35%
6/1/33 $445,000 3.40% 3.40%
6/1/34 $460,000 3.45% 3.45%
6/1/35 $480,000 3.50% 3.50%
6/1/36 $495,000 3.55% 3.55%
6/1/37 $510,000 3.60% 3.60%

L.O.: Bass, Berry & Sims PLC, Knoxville, TN.

F.A.: Public Financial Management, Inc., Memphis, TN.


Virginia Port Authority

Nov 9, 2016 . . . . . . $143,965,000

Port Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A (book entry) (Taxable)

Dated Nov 17, 2016.

Due Jul 1, 2018 to 2045.

First coupon Jul 1, 2017.

2027-2045 Callable Jul 1, 2026 at par.

Purchased through negotiation by Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Raymond James & Associates, Inc., Siebert Cisneros Shank & Co., L.L.C., as follows:

Due Amount Cpn Reoffered Ins
7/1/18 $1,550,000 1.308% 1.308%
7/1/19 $1,565,000 1.619% 1.619%
7/1/20 $1,600,000 1.931% 1.931%
7/1/21 $1,630,000 2.101% 2.101%
7/1/22 $1,670,000 2.416% 2.416%
7/1/23 $1,715,000 2.616% 2.616%
7/1/24 $1,765,000 2.784% 2.784%
7/1/25 $1,815,000 2.884% 2.884%
7/1/26 $1,880,000 2.984% 2.984%
7/1/27 $1,930,000 3.184% 3.184%
7/1/29 $5,305,000 3.494% 3.494%
7/1/30 $5,490,000 3.594% 3.594%
7/1/31 $5,685,000 3.694% 3.694%
7/1/36 $32,080,000 4.228% 4.228%
7/1/45 $78,285,000 4.478% 4.478%

L.O.: Williams Mullen, Norfolk, VA.

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Negotiated sales results