Results of Competitive Sales


Natomas Unified School District

Jan 26, 2017 . . . . . . $32,130,000

2017 General Obligation Refunding Bonds (book entry).

Dated Feb 14, 2017.

Due Aug 1, 2017 to 2032.

Callable Aug 1, 2026 at par.

Winning bid: Citigroup, at 112.5187, TIC 3.6433%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
8/1/17 $2,485,000 5.00% 0.90% BAM
8/1/18 $1,725,000 5.00% 1.00% BAM
8/1/19 $1,480,000 5.00% 1.23% BAM
8/1/20 $100,000 5.00% 1.44% BAM
8/1/21 $105,000 5.00% 1.68% BAM
8/1/22 $110,000 5.00% 1.91% BAM
8/1/23 $115,000 5.00% 2.12% BAM
8/1/24 $120,000 5.00% 2.30% BAM
8/1/25 $125,000 5.00% 2.43% BAM
8/1/26 $135,000 5.00% 2.55% BAM
8/1/27 $140,000 5.00% 2.68% BAM
8/1/28 $145,000 5.00% 2.81% BAM
8/1/29 $1,330,000 5.00% 2.94% BAM
8/1/30 $5,360,000 5.00% 3.06% BAM
8/1/31 $4,870,000 5.00% 3.18% BAM
8/1/32 $13,785,000 5.00% 3.20% BAM

L.O.: Quint & Thimmig, Larkspur, CA.

F.A.: Government Financial Strategies, Inc., Sacramento, CA.

Other bidders were:

Wells Fargo Secs, TIC 3.705%

Mesirow Financial, TIC 3.7069%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 3.7259%

Fidelity Capital, TIC 3.7486%

Hutchinson Shockey, TIC 3.7583%

JPMorgan, TIC 3.8994%

Natomas Unified School District

Jan 26, 2017 . . . . . . $39,000,000

General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2014, Series 2017 (book entry).

Dated Feb 14, 2017.

Due Aug 1, 2018 to 2042.

Callable Aug 1, 2026 at par.

Winning bid: Citigroup, at 103.1753, TIC 3.9453%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
8/1/18 $1,190,000 5.00% 1.00% BAM
8/1/19 $1,040,000 5.00% 1.23% BAM
8/1/20 $1,330,000 5.00% 1.44% BAM
8/1/21 $1,050,000 5.00% 1.68% BAM
8/1/27 $130,000 5.00% 2.68% BAM
8/1/28 $260,000 5.00% 2.81% BAM
8/1/29 $405,000 5.00% 2.94% BAM
8/1/30 $570,000 5.00% 3.06% BAM
8/1/31 $755,000 5.00% 3.18% BAM
8/1/32 $960,000 5.00% 3.20% BAM
8/1/33 $1,185,000 5.00% 3.30% BAM
8/1/34 $1,500,000 5.00% 3.35% BAM
8/1/35 $1,715,000 5.00% 3.39% BAM
8/1/42 $26,910,000 4.00% 4.016% BAM

L.O.: Quint & Thimmig, Larkspur, CA.

F.A.: Government Financial Strategies, Inc., Sacramento, CA.

Other bidders were:

Fidelity Capital, TIC 3.9662%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 3.9711%

BA Merrill Lynch, TIC 3.9789%

Mesirow Financial, TIC 3.9801%

Hutchinson Shockey, TIC 3.9808%

Wells Fargo Secs, TIC 4.009%

Morgan Stanley, TIC 4.0862%

JPMorgan, TIC 4.1129%


New Public School District No. 8

Jan 26, 2017 . . . . . . $8,000,000

Limited Tax Building Fund Bonds, Series 2017A (ND SD Credit Enhancement Program) (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Feb 9, 2017.

Due Aug 1, 2017 to 2036.

Callable Aug 1, 2022 at par.

Winning bid: Wells Fargo Secs, at 99.5846, TIC 2.9998%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
8/1/17 $425,000 2.00% 1.00%
8/1/18 $320,000 2.00% 1.15%
8/1/19 $330,000 2.00% 1.20%
8/1/20 $335,000 2.00% 1.60%
8/1/21 $340,000 2.00% 1.65%
8/1/22 $350,000 2.00% 1.75%
8/1/23 $355,000 2.00% 1.90%
8/1/24 $360,000 2.00% 2.00%
8/1/25 $370,000 2.25% 2.20%
8/1/26 $375,000 2.50% 2.35%
8/1/27 $385,000 3.00% 2.50%
8/1/28 $400,000 3.00% 2.60%
8/1/29 $410,000 3.00% 2.65%
8/1/30 $425,000 3.00% 2.75%
8/1/31 $435,000 3.00% 2.85%
8/1/32 $450,000 3.00% 2.90%
8/1/33 $460,000 3.00% 3.00%
8/1/36 $1,475,000 3.50% 3.25%

L.O.: Arntson Stewart Wegner PC, Fargo, ND.

F.A.: AMKO Advisors, Fargo, ND.

Other bidders were:

Northland Securities, TIC 3.1473%

SunTrust Robinson, TIC 3.1673%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 3.5015%


South Buda Water Control and Improvement District No. 1

Jan 27, 2017 . . . . . . $6,340,000

Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2017 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Feb 23, 2017.

Due Aug 1, 2019 to 2046.

Callable Aug 1, 2024 at par.

Winning bid: SAMCO Cap Mkts, at 97.1886, NIC 3.853%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
8/1/19 $115,000 4.00% 1.75% BAM
8/1/20 $120,000 4.00% 2.00% BAM
8/1/21 $130,000 4.00% 2.10% BAM
8/1/22 $135,000 4.00% 2.20% BAM
8/1/23 $140,000 2.25% 2.35% BAM
8/1/24 $145,000 2.25% 2.55% BAM
8/1/26 $315,000 2.75% 3.05% BAM
8/1/28 $340,000 3.00% 3.25% BAM
8/1/30 $370,000 3.25% 3.45% BAM
8/1/31 $200,000 3.375% 3.50% BAM
8/1/32 $210,000 3.375% 3.55% BAM
8/1/33 $215,000 3.50% 3.60% BAM
8/1/35 $460,000 3.50% 3.75% BAM
8/1/37 $510,000 3.75% 3.85% BAM
8/1/38 $270,000 3.75% 3.90% BAM
8/1/42 $1,215,000 3.75% 4.00% BAM
8/1/46 $1,450,000 4.00% 4.03% BAM

Other managers: Crews & Associates, Inc., Coastal Securities Corp., WNJ Capital, M. E. Allison & Co., Inc., Ross, Sinclaire & Associates, Inc., Intercoastal Capital Markets, Inc., Ramirez & Co., Inc., Sierra Pacific Securities, Wells Nelson & Associates, LLC.

L.O.: Andrews Kurth Kenyon LLP, Austin, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: Specialized Public Finance Inc., Austin, TX.

Other bidders were:

Hilltop Securities, NIC 3.8932%

Raymond James, NIC 3.8999%

RBC Capital Mkts, NIC 3.9278%

FMSbonds, NIC 3.9789%

SunTrust Robinson, NIC 3.9879%

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Competitive sales results