Results of Competitive Sales


Athol (Town)

Sep 10, 2015 . . . . . . $5,000,000

Bond Anticipation Notes (bank qualified).

Dated Sep 24, 2015.

Due Mar 17, 2016.

Purchased $2,500,000.00 by Century Bk, at 0.55%, effective rate 0.55%.

Purchased $2,500,000.00 by Eastern Bk Cap Mkts, at 0.6%, effective rate 0.6%.

F.A.: UniBank Fiscal Advisory Services, Inc., Whitinsville, MA.

Other bidders were:

Eastern Bk Cap Mkts, Effective Rate 0.6%

TD Bank, N.A., Effective Rate 0.64%

UniBank Fiscal Adv, Effective Rate 0.75%


Forest Lake Independent School District No. 831

Sep 10, 2015 . . . . . . $10,285,000

General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2015A (MN SD Credit Enhancement Program) (book entry).

Dated Oct 8, 2015.

Due Feb 1, 2017 to 2019.


Winning bid: Jefferies, at 109.1716, TIC 0.9907%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
2/1/17 $3,155,000 5.00% 0.50%
2/1/18 $3,475,000 5.00% 0.80%
2/1/19 $3,655,000 5.00% 1.11%

Other managers: Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., Raymond James & Associates, Inc., FTN Financial Capital Markets, Ramirez & Co., Inc..

L.O.: Kutak Rock, Minneapolis, MN.

F.A.: Springsted Incorporated, St. Paul, MN.

Other bidders were:

JPMorgan, TIC 1.0938%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 1.1039%

Piper Jaffray, TIC 1.1492%


Byram (City)

Sep 10, 2015 . . . . . . $700,000

General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Sep 1, 2015.

Due Sep 1, 2016 to 2025.

Callable Sep 1, 2022 at par.

Winning bid: TrustMark Natl Bk, at n/a, NIC 2.6583%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
9/1/16 $60,000 2.10% NRO
9/1/17 $65,000 2.10% NRO
9/1/18 $65,000 2.10% NRO
9/1/19 $65,000 2.20% NRO
9/1/20 $70,000 2.40% NRO
9/1/21 $70,000 2.50% NRO
9/1/22 $75,000 2.60% NRO
9/1/23 $75,000 2.80% NRO
9/1/24 $75,000 2.90% NRO
9/1/25 $80,000 3.00% NRO

L.O.: Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP, Jackson, MS.

F.A.: Government Consultants, Inc., Jackson, MS.

Other bidders were:

Hancock Bank, NIC 2.863%

Duncan-Williams, NIC 3.1326%


Arrowhead Union High School District

Sep 10, 2015 . . . . . . $3,750,000

Tax and Revenue Anticipation Promissory Notes (book entry).

Dated Sep 28, 2015.

Due Sep 26, 2016.

Purchased $2,750,000.00 by BOSC, at 1.0%, plus $5,995.00, effective rate 0.7791%.

Purchased $1,000,000.00 by Robert W. Baird, at 1.0%, plus $4,770.00, effective rate 0.5203%.

L.O.: Quarles & Brady, Milwaukee, WI.

F.A.: Municipal Official(s).

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Competitive sales results