Results of Competitive Sales


East Bay Municipal Utility District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $74,335,000

Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2015B (Green Bonds) (book entry).

Dated Jun 17, 2015.

Due Jun 1, 2023 to 2045.

Callable Jun 1, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Wells Fargo Secs, at 107.7618, TIC 3.7085%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/1/23 $2,325,000 5.00% 1.97%
6/1/24 $1,945,000 5.00% 2.11%
6/1/25 $2,040,000 5.00% 2.22%
6/1/26 $2,145,000 5.00% 2.35%
6/1/27 $2,250,000 5.00% 2.50%
6/1/28 $2,365,000 5.00% 2.62%
6/1/29 $2,480,000 5.00% 2.72%
6/1/30 $2,605,000 5.00% 2.82%
6/1/31 $2,735,000 5.00% 2.89%
6/1/32 $2,870,000 5.00% 2.94%
6/1/33 $3,015,000 5.00% 2.98%
6/1/34 $3,165,000 4.00% 3.40%
6/1/35 $3,290,000 4.00% 3.45%
6/1/36 $3,425,000 4.00% 3.55%
6/1/37 $3,560,000 4.00% 3.60%
6/1/38 $3,705,000 4.00% 3.65%
6/1/45 $30,415,000 4.00% 3.85%

L.O.: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Los Angeles, CA; and Curls Bartling P.C., Oakland, CA.

F.A.: Montague DeRose & Associates, Walnut Creek, CA.

Other bidders were:

Goldman Sachs, TIC 3.721%

Barclays Capital, TIC 3.7244%

Citigroup, TIC 3.7328%

RBC Capital Mkts, TIC 3.7467%

JPMorgan, TIC 3.7535%

BA Merrill Lynch, TIC 3.7568%

Morgan Stanley, TIC 3.7691%

Fidelity Capital, TIC 3.7845%

Janney Montgomery, TIC 3.901%

East Bay Municipal Utility District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $110,715,000

Water System Revenue Bonds, Series 2015C (book entry).

Dated Jun 17, 2015.

Due Jun 1, 2024 to 2045.

Callable Jun 1, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Wells Fargo Secs, at 108.1025, TIC 3.722%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/1/24 $2,500,000 5.00% 2.11%
6/1/25 $3,035,000 5.00% 2.22%
6/1/26 $3,185,000 5.00% 2.35%
6/1/27 $3,345,000 5.00% 2.50%
6/1/28 $3,510,000 5.00% 2.62%
6/1/29 $3,685,000 5.00% 2.72%
6/1/30 $3,870,000 5.00% 2.82%
6/1/31 $4,065,000 5.00% 2.89%
6/1/32 $4,265,000 5.00% 2.94%
6/1/33 $4,480,000 5.00% 2.98%
6/1/34 $4,705,000 5.00% 3.02%
6/1/35 $4,915,000 4.00% 3.45%
6/1/36 $5,135,000 4.00% 3.55%
6/1/37 $5,365,000 4.00% 3.60%
6/1/38 $5,600,000 4.00% 3.65%
6/1/39 $5,855,000 4.00% 3.70%
6/1/40 $6,115,000 4.00% 3.75%
6/1/45 $37,085,000 4.00% 3.85%

L.O.: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Los Angeles, CA; and Curls Bartling P.C., Oakland, CA.

F.A.: Montague DeRose & Associates, Walnut Creek, CA.

Other bidders were:

Citigroup, TIC 3.7412%

BA Merrill Lynch, TIC 3.7545%

Goldman Sachs, TIC 3.7552%

Barclays Capital, TIC 3.7603%

Morgan Stanley, TIC 3.7697%

RBC Capital Mkts, TIC 3.7773%

JPMorgan, TIC 3.7827%

Fidelity Capital, TIC 3.7999%


Broward County School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $155,055,000

General Obligation School Bonds Series 2015 (book entry).

Dated Jun 18, 2015.

Due Jul 1, 2016 to 2040.

Callable Jul 1, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Citigroup, at 105.3195, TIC 3.6442%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
7/1/16 $3,215,000 5.00% 0.39% AGM
7/1/17 $3,615,000 5.00% 0.82% AGM
7/1/18 $3,795,000 5.00% 1.30% AGM
7/1/19 $3,985,000 5.00% 1.64% AGM
7/1/20 $4,185,000 5.00% 1.88% AGM
7/1/21 $4,395,000 5.00% 2.13% AGM
7/1/22 $4,615,000 5.00% 2.31% AGM
7/1/23 $4,845,000 5.00% 2.48% AGM
7/1/24 $5,085,000 5.00% 2.67% AGM
7/1/25 $5,340,000 5.00% 2.84% AGM
7/1/26 $5,605,000 3.50% 3.00% AGM
7/1/27 $5,805,000 4.00% 3.13% AGM
7/1/28 $6,035,000 4.25% 3.27% AGM
7/1/29 $6,290,000 4.00% 3.40% AGM
7/1/30 $6,545,000 4.00% 3.53% AGM
7/1/31 $6,805,000 4.00% 3.64% AGM
7/1/32 $7,075,000 4.00% 3.74% AGM
7/1/33 $7,360,000 4.00% 3.78% AGM
7/1/34 $7,655,000 4.00% 3.82% AGM
7/1/35 $7,960,000 4.00% 3.86% AGM
7/1/36 $8,280,000 4.00% 3.93% AGM
7/1/37 $8,610,000 4.00% 3.97% AGM
7/1/38 $8,955,000 4.00% 4.00% AGM
7/1/40 $19,000,000 4.00% 4.05% AGM

Other managers: Ramirez & Co., Inc., Drexel Hamilton, LLC., Siebert, Brandford, Shank & Co., LLC, CastleOak Securities, L.P., Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Loop Capital Markets, LLC, Southwest Securities, Inc., The Williams Capital Group, L.P., FirstSouthwest, PNC Capital Markets, Mischler Financial Group, Inc., Rice Financial Products Company.

L.O.: Greenberg Traurig, P.A., Miami, FL; and Edwards & Associates, P.A., Miami, FL.

F.A.: Public Financial Management, Inc., Orlando, FL; and Fidelity Financial Services, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Other bidders were:

JPMorgan, TIC 3.6736%

Wells Fargo Secs, TIC 3.6913%

Morgan Stanley, TIC 3.6919%

BA Merrill Lynch, TIC 3.6972%


Warsaw Redevelopment Authority

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $2,340,000

Lease Rental Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 18, 2015.

Due Aug 1, 2019 to Feb 1, 2040.

Callable Aug 1, 2023 at par.

Winning bid: City Securities, at 99.0000, NIC 3.6937%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
8/1/20 $120,000 2.00% 1.82%
2/1/22 $125,000 3.00% 2.22%
8/1/23 $135,000 3.00% 2.43%
2/1/25 $135,000 3.00% 2.67%
8/1/26 $145,000 3.00% 2.87%
2/1/29 $255,000 3.50% 3.27%
8/1/31 $275,000 3.50% 3.45%
2/1/34 $300,000 3.60% 3.60%
2/1/37 $400,000 3.75% 3.80%
2/1/40 $450,000 4.00% 3.85%

L.O.: Faegre Baker Daniels LLP, South Bend, IN.

F.A.: Umbaugh LLP, Mishawaka, IN.

Other bidders were:

J.J.B. Hilliard, NIC 3.7725%

BOSC, NIC 3.7852%

Washington Township Metropolitan School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $2,000,000

General Obligation Bonds of 2015A (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jul 17, 2015.

Due Jul 15, 2016 to Jan 15, 2018.


Winning bid: JPMorgan Chase, at n/a, NIC 1.22%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
7/15/16 $500,000 1.22% 1.22%
1/15/17 $500,000 1.22% 1.22%
7/15/17 $500,000 1.22% 1.22%
1/15/18 $500,000 1.22% 1.22%

L.O.: Ice Miller, Indianapolis, IN.

F.A.: Municipal Official(s).


Marion County School District Finance Corporation

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $815,000

School Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2015A (Kentucky State School District Credit Enhancement Program) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 18, 2015.

Due Jun 1, 2016 to 2035.

Callable Jun 1, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Ross Sinclaire, at 98.0000, NIC 3.3089%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/1/18 $105,000 1.30% 1.30%
6/1/21 $105,000 2.00% 2.00%
6/1/25 $150,000 2.50% 2.50%
6/1/30 $210,000 3.20% 3.20%
6/1/35 $245,000 3.50% 3.55%

Other managers: PNC Capital Markets, Duncan-Williams, Inc., FTN Financial Capital Markets, Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc..

L.O.: Rubin & Hays, Louisville, KY.

F.A.: J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, Inc., Louisville, KY.

Marion County School District Finance Corporation

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $1,745,000

School Building Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2015B (Kentucky State School District Credit Enhancement Program) (bank qualified).

Dated Jul 6, 2015.

Due Oct 1, 2015 to 2019.


Winning bid: Ross Sinclaire, at 99.5119, NIC 1.5231%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
10/1/15 $30,000 0.40% 0.40%
10/1/16 $145,000 1.00% 0.60%
10/1/17 $155,000 1.00% 1.00%
10/1/18 $700,000 1.30% 1.30%
10/1/19 $715,000 1.50% 1.50%

Other managers: PNC Capital Markets, Duncan-Williams, Inc., FTN Financial Capital Markets, Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., Vining-Sparks IBG, Limited Partnership.

L.O.: Rubin & Hays, Louisville, KY.

F.A.: J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, Inc., Louisville, KY.

Other bidders were:

Raymond James, NIC 1.6602%

SunTrust Robinson, NIC 1.775%

Marion County School District Finance Corporation

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $3,635,000

Energy Conservation Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 (Kentucky State School District Credit Enhancement Program) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 18, 2015.

Due Jun 1, 2016 to 2035.

Callable Jun 1, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Ross Sinclaire, at 98.6481, NIC 3.2193%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/1/16 $110,000 1.00% 0.60%
6/1/17 $85,000 1.00% 1.00%
6/1/18 $90,000 1.30% 1.30%
6/1/19 $105,000 1.50% 1.50%
6/1/20 $105,000 1.70% 1.70%
6/1/21 $110,000 2.00% 2.00%
6/1/22 $130,000 2.10% 2.15%
6/1/23 $135,000 2.25% 2.30%
6/1/25 $250,000 2.50% 2.50%
6/1/28 $530,000 3.00% 2.90%
6/1/30 $445,000 3.125% 3.20%
6/1/35 $1,540,000 3.375% 3.40%

Other managers: PNC Capital Markets, Duncan-Williams, Inc., FTN Financial Capital Markets, Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., Vining-Sparks IBG, Limited Partnership.

L.O.: Rubin & Hays, Louisville, KY.

F.A.: J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, Inc., Louisville, KY.

Other bidders were:

Raymond James, NIC 3.2227%

SunTrust Robinson, NIC 3.3972%


Monroe Special School Disrict

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $17,000,000

General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2015 (book entry).

Dated Jul 1, 2015.

Due Mar 1, 2016 to 2035.

Callable Mar 1, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Robert W. Baird, at 104.3034, TIC 3.3044%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
3/1/16 $785,000 5.00% 0.50%
3/1/17 $615,000 5.00% 0.75%
3/1/18 $635,000 5.00% 1.15%
3/1/19 $660,000 5.00% 1.40%
3/1/20 $680,000 5.00% 1.65%
3/1/21 $705,000 5.00% 1.90%
3/1/22 $730,000 5.00% 2.10%
3/1/23 $755,000 5.00% 2.30%
3/1/24 $785,000 5.00% 2.50%
3/1/25 $810,000 5.00% 2.65%
3/1/26 $840,000 4.00% 2.90%
3/1/27 $870,000 3.00% 3.10%
3/1/28 $900,000 3.125% 3.25%
3/1/29 $930,000 3.25% 3.40%
3/1/30 $960,000 3.375% 3.45%
3/1/31 $995,000 3.375% 3.50%
3/1/32 $1,030,000 3.50% 3.55%
3/1/33 $1,065,000 3.50% 3.60%
3/1/34 $1,105,000 3.50% 3.64%
3/1/35 $1,145,000 3.625% 3.68%

Other managers: CL King & Associates, Edward Jones, WNJ Capital, Coastal Securities Corp., SAMCO Capital Markets, Incapital LLC, Ross, Sinclaire & Associates LLC, Davenport & Company LLC, Loop Capital Markets, LLC, Stephens Inc., CastleOak Securities, L.P., Oppenheimer & Co., Inc., Duncan-Williams, Inc., FTN Financial Capital Markets, Wedbush Securities Inc., IFS Securities, Sierra Pacific Securities, Dorsey & Company, Inc..

L.O.: The Boles Law Firm, Monroe, LA.

F.A.: Government Consultants of Louisiana, Inc, Baton Rouge, LA.

Other bidders were:

Morgan Stanley, TIC 3.3165%

BA Merrill Lynch, TIC 3.4198%

Janney Montgomery, TIC 3.4207%

Southwest Securities, TIC 3.4274%

Guggenheim Secs, TIC 3.4383%

Piper Jaffray, TIC 3.4667%

Hutchinson Shockey, TIC 3.5758%


Amesbury (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $400,000

General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (new money) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 19, 2015.

Due Sep 11, 2015.

Purchased $400,000.00 by Eastern Bk Cap Mkts, at 0.55%, effective rate 0.55%.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Boston, MA.

Attleboro (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $9,822,000

General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (book entry).

Dated Jun 15, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016.

Purchased $9,822,000.00 by Jefferies, at 1.25%, plus $90,461.00, effective rate 0.329%.

L.O.: Locke Lord LLP, Boston, MA.

F.A.: UniBank Fiscal Advisory Services, Inc., Whitinsville, MA.

Other bidders were:

TD Securities, Effective Rate 0.356%

Eastern Bk Cap Mkts, Effective Rate 0.3649%

Bolton (Town)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $313,093

General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (new and renewal) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 12, 2015.

Due Jun 10, 2016.

Purchased $313,090.00 by UniBank Fiscal Adv, at 0.55%, effective rate 0.55%.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Boston, MA.

Other bidders were:

Eastern Bk Cap Mkts, Effective Rate 0.6%

Century Bk, Effective Rate 0.65%

Leicester (Town)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $3,620,000

General Obligation Refunding Bonds (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 15, 2015.

Due Nov 15, 2015 to 2023.


Winning bid: SunTrust Robinson, at 105.4969, TIC 1.5689%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
11/15/15 $430,000 3.00% 0.30%
11/15/16 $470,000 3.00% 0.45%
11/15/17 $465,000 3.00% 0.85%
11/15/18 $450,000 3.00% 1.05%
11/15/19 $440,000 3.00% 1.25%
11/15/20 $435,000 3.00% 1.50%
11/15/21 $315,000 3.00% 1.70%
11/15/22 $310,000 3.00% 1.90%
11/15/23 $305,000 3.00% 2.05%

Other managers: BOSC, Inc., Sterne, Agee & Leach, Inc.

L.O.: Locke Lord LLP, Boston, MA.

F.A.: UniBank Fiscal Advisory Services, Inc., Whitinsville, MA.

Other bidders were:

FTN Fin Cap Mkts, TIC 1.5887%

UBS Financial Svcs, TIC 1.6006%

Fidelity Capital, TIC 1.6168%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 1.6321%

Janney Montgomery, TIC 1.6514%

Northborough (Town)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $1,650,000

General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (new money) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 17, 2015.

Due Jan 22, 2016.

Purchased $1,650,000.00 by Eastern Bk Cap Mkts, at 1.0%, plus $5,429.65, effective rate 0.449%.

L.O.: Locke Lord LLP, Boston, MA.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Boston, MA.

Other bidders were:

TD Securities, Effective Rate 0.4726%

Century Bk, Effective Rate 0.55%

Jefferies, Effective Rate 0.7386%

Northborough (Town)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $7,390,000

General Obligation School Bonds (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 17, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016 to 2035.

Callable Jun 15, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Robert W. Baird, at 102.5199, TIC 2.4977%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/15/16 $370,000 2.00% 0.50%
6/15/17 $370,000 2.00% 0.75%
6/15/18 $370,000 2.00% 1.05%
6/15/19 $370,000 2.00% 1.15%
6/15/20 $370,000 2.00% 1.40%
6/15/21 $370,000 3.00% 1.60%
6/15/22 $370,000 3.00% 1.75%
6/15/23 $370,000 3.00% 1.90%
6/15/24 $370,000 3.00% 2.00%
6/15/25 $370,000 3.00% 2.10%
6/15/26 $370,000 2.50% 2.30%
6/15/27 $370,000 2.50% 2.40%
6/15/28 $370,000 2.50% 2.50%
6/15/29 $370,000 2.50% 2.55%
6/15/30 $370,000 2.75% 2.60%
6/15/31 $370,000 3.00% 2.80%
6/15/32 $370,000 3.00% 2.85%
6/15/33 $370,000 3.00% 2.90%
6/15/35 $730,000 3.00% 3.00%

Other managers: Eastern Bank Capital Markets, Ross, Sinclaire & Associates LLC, CL King & Associates, Edward D. Jones & Co., Loop Capital Markets, LLC, Vining-Sparks IBG, Limited Partnership, WNJ Capital, Crews & Associates, Inc., Sierra Pacific Securities, CastleOak Securities, L.P., Oppenheimer & Co., Inc., SumRidge Partners, LLC, R. Seelaus & Co., Inc., Bernardi Securities, Inc., IFS Securities.

L.O.: Locke Lord LLP, Boston, MA.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Boston, MA.

Other bidders were:

Janney Montgomery, TIC 2.5099%

FTN Fin Cap Mkts, TIC 2.5296%

Roosevelt & Cross, TIC 2.5358%

SunTrust Robinson, TIC 2.5483%

Piper Jaffray, TIC 2.5586%

Morgan Stanley, TIC 2.5695%

BMO Cap Mkts GKST, TIC 2.5868%

Townsend (Town)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $630,000

General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (renewal) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 12, 2015.

Due Dec 11, 2015.

Purchased $630,000.00 by Century Bk, at 0.5%, effective rate 0.5%.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Boston, MA.

Other bidders were:

Eastern Bk Cap Mkts, Effective Rate 0.55%

UniBank Fiscal Adv, Effective Rate 0.55%

Roosevelt & Cross, Effective Rate 1.0413%


Fraser (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $5,135,000

2015 General Obligation Unlimited Tax Bonds (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 16, 2015.

Due Oct 1, 2015 to 2020.


Winning bid: BMO Cap Mkts GKST, at 102.3624, TIC 1.5867%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
10/1/15 $830,000 3.00% 0.70%
10/1/16 $840,000 3.00% 0.80%
10/1/17 $845,000 3.00% 1.10%
10/1/18 $865,000 2.00% 1.40%
10/1/19 $880,000 2.25% 1.55%
10/1/20 $875,000 2.50% 1.75%

L.O.: Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone, P.L.C., Detroit, MI.

F.A.: Bendzinski & Company, Detroit, MI.

Other bidders were:

Robert W. Baird, TIC 1.6112%

PNC Capital Markets, TIC 1.7109%

BOSC, TIC 1.7978%


Medina (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $1,765,000

General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2015A (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 24, 2015.

Due Feb 1, 2017 to 2031.

Callable Feb 1, 2024 at par.

Winning bid: Northland Securities, at 101.4788, TIC 2.4632%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
2/1/17 $125,000 2.00% 0.75%
2/1/18 $120,000 2.00% 1.00%
2/1/19 $120,000 2.00% 1.20%
2/1/21 $240,000 2.00% 1.60%
2/1/23 $230,000 2.00% 1.85%
2/1/25 $230,000 2.50% 2.10%
2/1/27 $230,000 3.00% 2.40%
2/1/29 $230,000 3.00% 2.60%
2/1/31 $240,000 3.00% 2.80%

L.O.: Kennedy & Graven, Minneapolis, MN.

F.A.: Ehlers, Roseville, MN.

Other bidders were:

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.5119%

BOSC, TIC 2.54%

United Banker's Bk, TIC 2.6693%

New Ulm (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $3,275,000

General Obligation Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds, Series 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jul 1, 2015.

Due Dec 1, 2016 to 2025.

Callable Dec 1, 2020 at par.

Winning bid: BMO Cap Mkts GKST, at 100.8213, TIC 1.9767%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
12/1/16 $305,000 2.00% 0.75%
12/1/17 $305,000 2.00% 1.05%
12/1/18 $310,000 2.00% 1.30%
12/1/19 $315,000 2.00% 1.45%
12/1/20 $320,000 2.00% 1.60%
12/1/21 $330,000 2.00% 1.75%
12/1/22 $335,000 2.00% 1.85%
12/1/23 $345,000 2.25% 2.00%
12/1/24 $350,000 2.25% 2.10%
12/1/25 $360,000 2.25% 2.25%

L.O.: Dorsey & Whitney, Minneapolis, MN.

F.A.: Public Financial Management, Inc., Minneapolis, MN.

Other bidders were:

BOSC, TIC 1.9787%

Raymond James, TIC 1.9843%

Northland Securities, TIC 1.9975%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.0104%

FTN Fin Cap Mkts, TIC 2.1295%

Wyoming (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $4,760,000

General Obligation Improvement and Utility Revenue Bonds, Series 2015A (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 30, 2015.

Due Feb 1, 2017 to 2026.

Callable Feb 1, 2023 at par.

Winning bid: Piper Jaffray, at 105.3521, TIC 2.0661%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
2/1/17 $410,000 3.00% 0.80%
2/1/18 $425,000 3.00% 1.10%
2/1/19 $440,000 3.00% 1.30%
2/1/20 $455,000 3.00% 1.45%
2/1/21 $470,000 3.00% 1.60%
2/1/22 $480,000 3.00% 1.80%
2/1/23 $495,000 3.00% 2.00%
2/1/24 $510,000 3.00% 2.10%
2/1/25 $530,000 3.00% 2.20%
2/1/26 $545,000 3.00% 2.30%

L.O.: Kennedy & Graven, Minneapolis, MN.

F.A.: Springsted Incorporated, St. Paul, MN.

Other bidders were:

United Banker's Bk, TIC 2.079%

Northland Securities, TIC 2.1202%

BOSC, TIC 2.212%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.2289%


Okolona Municipal Separate School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $1,600,000

General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 25, 2015.

Due Sep 1, 2015 to 2032.

Callable Sep 1, 2024 at par.

Winning bid: Crews & Associates, at n/a, NIC 3.672%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
9/1/15 $65,000 3.00% 0.75%
9/1/16 $35,000 3.00% 0.75%
9/1/17 $35,000 3.00% 0.75%
9/1/18 $35,000 3.00% 0.75%
9/1/19 $70,000 4.00% 0.75%
9/1/20 $65,000 4.00% 1.00%
9/1/21 $65,000 4.00% 1.00%
9/1/22 $65,000 4.00% 1.00%
9/1/23 $65,000 4.00% 1.00%
9/1/24 $65,000 4.00% 1.00%
9/1/25 $75,000 3.00% 1.25%
9/1/26 $130,000 3.125% 1.25%
9/1/27 $135,000 3.25% 1.25%
9/1/28 $140,000 3.375% 1.25%
9/1/29 $140,000 3.50% 1.25%
9/1/30 $145,000 4.00% 1.50%
9/1/31 $150,000 4.00% 1.50%
9/1/32 $120,000 4.00% 1.50%

L.O.: Young Law Group, PLLC, Jackson, MS; and Hilborne & Weidman, Tulsa, OK.

F.A.: Municipal Official(s).

Other bidders were:

Duncan-Williams, NIC 3.9318%


Beverly (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $948,205

Bond Anticipation Notes of 2015, Series A (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 11, 2015.

Due Jun 10, 2016.

Purchased $948,210.00 by TBGC Investment Corp, at 0.8%, effective rate 0.8%.

L.O.: Parker, McCay, P.A., Mount Laurel, NJ.

F.A.: Municipal Official(s).

Other bidders were:

Janney Montgomery, Effective Rate 0.8145%

TD Bank, N.A., Effective Rate 0.9%

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 1.4045%

Marlboro Township

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $20,112,300

Various Bond Anticipation Notes.

Dated Jun 11, 2015.

Due Feb 12, 2016.

Purchased $20,112,300.00 by TD Securities, at 1.0%, plus $87,287.38, effective rate 0.351%.

L.O.: McManimon Scotland & Baumann, Roseland, NJ.

F.A.: Municipal Official(s).

Other bidders were:

Janney Montgomery, Effective Rate 0.3797%

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 0.643%

Jefferies, Effective Rate 0.733%


Arcade Village

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $885,000

Bond Anticipation Notes, 2015 (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 16, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016.

Purchased $885,000.00 by Bank of Greene Co, at 1.29%, effective rate 1.29%.

L.O.: Hodgson, Russ LLP, Buffalo, NY.

F.A.: Municipal Solutions, Inc., Canandaigua, NY.

Other bidders were:

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 2.2353%

M & T Bank, Effective Rate 2.28%

Clinton Central School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $7,395,000

General Obligation School District (Serial) Bonds, 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 23, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016 to 2030.

Callable Jun 15, 2023 at par.

Winning bid: PNC Capital Markets, at n/a, NIC 2.4447%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/15/16 $430,000 2.00% 0.50% BAM
6/15/17 $425,000 2.00% 0.80% BAM
6/15/18 $435,000 2.00% 1.20% BAM
6/15/19 $445,000 2.00% 1.35% BAM
6/15/20 $455,000 2.00% 1.55% BAM
6/15/21 $465,000 2.00% 1.75% BAM
6/15/22 $475,000 2.00% 1.85% BAM
6/15/23 $485,000 2.00% 1.95% BAM
6/15/24 $495,000 2.00% 2.05% BAM
6/15/25 $510,000 2.25% 2.20% BAM
6/15/26 $525,000 2.50% 2.30% BAM
6/15/27 $540,000 2.50% 2.50% BAM
6/15/28 $555,000 2.625% 2.70% BAM
6/15/29 $570,000 3.00% 2.80% BAM
6/15/30 $585,000 3.00% 2.85% BAM

L.O.: Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC, Syracuse, NY.

F.A.: Bernard P. Donegan, Inc., Victor, NY.

Other bidders were:

FTN Fin Cap Mkts, NIC 2.4637%

Roosevelt & Cross, NIC 2.4777%

Janney Montgomery, NIC 2.5521%

Robert W. Baird, NIC 2.5888%

SunTrust Robinson, NIC 2.6361%

Clinton County

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $1,543,388

Public Improvement Bond Anticipation Notes, 2015 - Series A (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 11, 2015.

Due Jun 10, 2016.

Purchased $1,543,390.00 by Jefferies, at 2.0%, plus $18,723.00, effective rate 0.7835%.

L.O.: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, New York, NY.

F.A.: Munistat Services, Inc., Port Jefferson, NY.

Other bidders were:

TD Securities, Effective Rate 0.8311%

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 0.8536%

Bank of Greene Co, Effective Rate 0.99%

Clinton County

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $29,683,500

Airport Bond Anticipation Notes, 2015-Series B (AMT).

Dated Jun 11, 2015.

Due Jun 10, 2016.

Purchased $7,400,000.00 by Piper Jaffray, at 1.5%, plus $69,116.00, effective rate 0.5634%.

Purchased $7,400,000.00 by Piper Jaffray, at 1.5%, plus $65,268.00, effective rate 0.6155%.

Purchased $14,883,500.00 by Jefferies, at 2.0%, plus $200,630.70, effective rate 0.6482%.

L.O.: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, New York, NY.

F.A.: Munistat Services, Inc., Port Jefferson, NY.

Other bidders were:

Jefferies, Effective Rate 0.6482%

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 0.8192%

East Rockaway Village

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $3,685,000

General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes, 2015 (Renewal) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 10, 2015.

Due Jun 10, 2016.

Purchased $3,685,000.00 by Jefferies, at 1.5%, plus $35,450.00, effective rate 0.538%.

L.O.: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, New York, NY.

F.A.: Fiscal Advisors & Marketing, Inc., Syracuse, NY.

Other bidders were:

TD Securities, Effective Rate 0.545%

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 0.633%

JPMorgan Chase, Effective Rate 0.89%

Flushing Comm Bk, Effective Rate 1.2%

Glens Falls (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $7,700,000

Bond Anticipation Notes, 2015.

Dated Jun 10, 2015.

Due Jun 10, 2016.

Purchased $7,700,000.00 by Jefferies, at 2.0%, plus $86,781.00, effective rate 0.873%.

L.O.: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, New York, NY.

F.A.: Fiscal Advisors & Marketing, Inc., Syracuse, NY.

Other bidders were:

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 1.079%

Glens Falls Natl Bk, Effective Rate 1.3%

Gowanda Central School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $4,075,000

School District Serial Bonds, 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 16, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016 to 2027.

Callable Jun 15, 2023 at par.

Winning bid: Roosevelt & Cross, at n/a, NIC 2.1806%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/15/16 $310,000 1.00% 0.50% MAC
6/15/17 $315,000 1.25% 0.80% MAC
6/15/18 $320,000 1.50% 1.10% MAC
6/15/19 $320,000 2.00% 1.25% MAC
6/15/20 $330,000 2.00% 1.45% MAC
6/15/21 $335,000 2.00% 1.65% MAC
6/15/22 $340,000 2.00% 1.85% MAC
6/15/23 $350,000 2.00% 2.00% MAC
6/15/24 $360,000 2.125% 2.125% MAC
6/15/25 $365,000 2.25% 2.25% MAC
6/15/26 $375,000 2.375% 2.375% MAC
6/15/27 $355,000 2.75% 2.60% MAC

Other managers: UBS Financial Services, Inc., Ramirez & Co., Inc., Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Bank of New York Mellon Capital Markets, LLC, Ross, Sinclaire & Associates LLC, R. Seelaus & Co., Inc., Edward Jones.

L.O.: Hodgson, Russ LLP, Buffalo, NY.

F.A.: Municipal Solutions, Inc., Canandaigua, NY.

Hamburg Central School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $37,390,000

School District Serial Bonds, 2015 (book entry).

Dated Jun 11, 2015.

Due Jun 1, 2016 to 2030.

Callable Jun 1, 2024 at par.

Winning bid: Roosevelt & Cross, at 100.0754, NIC 2.8344%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/1/16 $2,225,000 2.00% 0.55% BAM
6/1/17 $2,245,000 2.00% 0.90% BAM
6/1/18 $2,290,000 2.00% 1.30% BAM
6/1/19 $2,335,000 2.00% 1.55% BAM
6/1/20 $2,380,000 2.00% 1.75% BAM
6/1/21 $2,425,000 2.00% 2.00% BAM
6/1/22 $2,480,000 3.00% 2.25% BAM
6/1/23 $2,545,000 3.00% 2.42% BAM
6/1/24 $2,630,000 3.00% 2.57% BAM
6/1/25 $2,705,000 3.00% 2.65% BAM
6/1/26 $2,790,000 3.00% 2.85% BAM
6/1/27 $2,865,000 3.00% 3.00% BAM
6/1/28 $2,960,000 3.00% 3.05% BAM
6/1/29 $3,045,000 3.00% 3.10% BAM
6/1/30 $1,470,000 3.00% 3.15% BAM

Other managers: Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., UBS Financial Services, Inc., Ramirez & Co., Inc., Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Bank of New York Mellon Capital Markets, LLC, Ross, Sinclaire & Associates LLC, Edward Jones.

L.O.: Hodgson, Russ LLP, Buffalo, NY.

F.A.: Munistat Services, Inc., Port Jefferson, NY.

Other bidders were:

BA Merrill Lynch, NIC 2.839%

Janney Montgomery, NIC 2.8634%

Fidelity Capital, NIC 2.8919%

Robert W. Baird, NIC 2.9212%

Mesirow Financial, NIC 3.219%

Newcomb Central School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $1,620,000

General Obligation School District (Serial) Bonds, 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 24, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016 to 2019.


Winning bid: Roosevelt & Cross, at n/a, NIC 1.3997%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/15/16 $390,000 1.00% 0.60%
6/15/17 $400,000 1.50% 0.85%
6/15/18 $410,000 1.75% 1.20%
6/15/19 $420,000 2.00% 1.35%

Other managers: UBS Financial Services, Inc., Ramirez & Co., Inc., Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Ross, Sinclaire & Associates LLC.

L.O.: Bartlett, Pontiff, Stewart & Rhodes, P.C., Glens Falls, NY.

F.A.: Bernard P. Donegan, Inc., Victor, NY.

Other bidders were:

Robert W. Baird, NIC 1.433%

Oakfield Village

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $1,200,000

Bond Anticipation Notes, 2015 (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 9, 2015.

Due Jun 8, 2016.

Purchased $1,200,000.00 by Roosevelt & Cross, at 1.25%, plus $2,432.00, effective rate 1.0468%.

L.O.: Hodgson, Russ LLP, Buffalo, NY.

F.A.: Municipal Solutions, Inc., Canandaigua, NY.

Perry Central School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $2,726,888

General Obligation School District (Serial) Bonds, 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 23, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016 to 2030.

Callable Jun 15, 2023 at par.

Winning bid: Robert W. Baird, at n/a, NIC 2.4842%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/15/16 $196,888 2.00% 0.55% BAM
6/15/17 $260,000 2.00% 0.80% BAM
6/15/18 $185,000 2.00% 1.05% BAM
6/15/19 $190,000 2.00% 1.25% BAM
6/15/20 $185,000 2.00% 1.45% BAM
6/15/21 $195,000 2.00% 1.65% BAM
6/15/22 $195,000 2.00% 1.80% BAM
6/15/23 $200,000 2.00% 1.90% BAM
6/15/24 $205,000 2.25% 2.05% BAM
6/15/25 $170,000 2.50% 2.20% BAM
6/15/26 $170,000 3.00% 2.35% BAM
6/15/27 $175,000 3.00% 2.50% BAM
6/15/28 $160,000 3.00% 2.65% BAM
6/15/29 $165,000 3.00% 2.75% BAM
6/15/30 $75,000 3.00% 3.00% BAM

Other managers: CL King & Associates, WNJ Capital, Vining-Sparks IBG, Limited Partnership, Eastern Bank Capital Markets, Crews & Associates, Inc., Loop Capital Markets, LLC, CastleOak Securities, L.P., SumRidge Partners, LLC, Sierra Pacific Securities, Alamo Capital, Bernardi Securities, Inc..

L.O.: Timothy R. McGill, Esq., Fairport, NY.

F.A.: Bernard P. Donegan, Inc., Victor, NY.

Other bidders were:

Roosevelt & Cross, NIC 2.605%

Red Hook Central School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $6,940,000

General Obligation School District (Serial) Bonds, 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 23, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016 to 2030.

Callable Jun 15, 2023 at par.

Winning bid: Roosevelt & Cross, at n/a, NIC 2.3842%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/15/16 $435,000 2.00% 0.50%
6/15/17 $400,000 2.00% 0.80%
6/15/18 $410,000 2.00% 1.05%
6/15/19 $415,000 2.00% 1.20%
6/15/20 $425,000 2.00% 1.40%
6/15/21 $435,000 2.00% 1.60%
6/15/22 $445,000 2.00% 1.75%
6/15/23 $455,000 2.00% 1.87%
6/15/24 $465,000 2.00% 2.00%
6/15/25 $475,000 2.25% 2.15%
6/15/26 $490,000 2.50% 2.35%
6/15/27 $500,000 2.625% 2.55%
6/15/28 $515,000 2.75% 2.65%
6/15/29 $530,000 2.875% 2.75%
6/15/30 $545,000 3.00% 2.85%

Other managers: UBS Financial Services, Inc., Ramirez & Co., Inc., Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Ross, Sinclaire & Associates LLC, R. Seelaus & Co., Inc., Edward Jones.

L.O.: Hiscock & Barclay, LLP, Albany, NY.

F.A.: Bernard P. Donegan, Inc., Victor, NY.

Other bidders were:

FTN Fin Cap Mkts, NIC 2.407%

PNC Capital Markets, NIC 2.4197%

Raymond James, NIC 2.4583%

Janney Montgomery, NIC 2.4764%

SunTrust Robinson, NIC 2.6477%

Schalmont Central School District at Rotterdam

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $245,760

Bond Anticipation Notes, 2015 (Renewals) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 11, 2015.

Due Jun 10, 2016.

Purchased $245,760.00 by Bank of Greene Co, at 1.02%, effective rate 1.02%.

L.O.: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, New York, NY.

F.A.: Fiscal Advisors & Marketing, Inc., Syracuse, NY.

Other bidders were:

FNB of Scotia, Effective Rate 1.03%

Roosevelt & Cross, Effective Rate 1.2319%

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 2.1868%

Scotia Glenville Central School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $9,100,000

School District (Serial) Bonds, 2015 (book entry).

Dated Jun 24, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016 to 2026.

Callable Jun 15, 2023 at par.

Winning bid: PNC Capital Markets, at 102.8495, NIC 2.423%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/15/16 $730,000 2.00% 0.35%
6/15/17 $740,000 2.00% 0.82%
6/15/18 $760,000 2.50% 1.26%
6/15/19 $780,000 2.50% 1.47%
6/15/20 $800,000 2.50% 1.69%
6/15/21 $820,000 3.00% 1.92%
6/15/22 $845,000 3.00% 2.09%
6/15/23 $865,000 3.00% 2.32%
6/15/24 $890,000 3.00% 2.53%
6/15/25 $920,000 3.00% 2.72%
6/15/26 $950,000 3.00% 2.95%

L.O.: Lemery Greisler LLC, Saratoga Springs, NY.

F.A.: Fiscal Advisors & Marketing, Inc., Syracuse, NY.

Other bidders were:

Raymond James, NIC 2.4401%

Robert W. Baird, NIC 2.4955%

Roosevelt & Cross, NIC 2.528%

Thousand Islands Central School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $2,165,000

General Obligation School District (Serial) Bonds, 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 18, 2015.

Due Jun 15, 2016 to 2030.

Callable Jun 15, 2023 at par.

Winning bid: Robert W. Baird, at 100.1348, NIC 2.6287%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/15/16 $125,000 2.00% 0.55% AGM
6/15/17 $125,000 2.00% 0.80% AGM
6/15/18 $130,000 2.00% 1.05% AGM
6/15/19 $130,000 2.00% 1.25% AGM
6/15/20 $135,000 2.00% 1.45% AGM
6/15/21 $140,000 2.00% 1.65% AGM
6/15/22 $145,000 2.00% 1.80% AGM
6/15/23 $145,000 2.00% 1.90% AGM
6/15/24 $150,000 2.50% 2.05% AGM
6/15/25 $155,000 2.50% 2.20% AGM
6/15/26 $160,000 3.00% 2.35% AGM
6/15/27 $165,000 3.00% 2.50% AGM
6/15/28 $170,000 3.00% 2.65% AGM
6/15/29 $175,000 3.00% 2.75% AGM
6/15/30 $115,000 3.00% 2.85% AGM

Other managers: CL King & Associates, WNJ Capital, Vining-Sparks IBG, Limited Partnership, Eastern Bank Capital Markets, Crews & Associates, Inc., Loop Capital Markets, LLC, CastleOak Securities, L.P., SumRidge Partners, LLC, Sierra Pacific Securities, Alamo Capital, Bernardi Securities, Inc..

L.O.: Trespasz & Marquardt, LLP, Syracuse, NY.

F.A.: Fiscal Advisors & Marketing, Inc., Syracuse, NY.

Other bidders were:

Roosevelt & Cross, NIC 2.7216%

Williston Park Village

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $160,000

Bond Anticipation Notes for Road Improvements-2015 (Renewal) (bank qualified).

Dated Jun 11, 2015.

Due Jun 10, 2016.

Purchased $160,000.00 by Bank of Greene Co, at 1.12%, effective rate 1.12%.

L.O.: Hawkins, Delafield & Wood, New York, NY.

F.A.: Capital Markets Advisors, LLC, Great Neck, NY.

Other bidders were:

Flushing Comm Bk, Effective Rate 1.35%

Roosevelt & Cross, Effective Rate 1.3844%

Oppenheimer, Effective Rate 2.8474%


Cornelius (Town)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $9,685,000

General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 23, 2015.

Due Jun 1, 2016 to 2032.

Callable Jun 1, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: SunTrust Robinson, at 102.8268, TIC 2.1674%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/1/16 $495,000 3.00% 0.35%
6/1/17 $500,000 3.00% 0.65%
6/1/18 $500,000 3.00% 0.90%
6/1/19 $585,000 3.00% 1.15%
6/1/20 $585,000 3.00% 1.30%
6/1/21 $585,000 3.00% 1.50%
6/1/22 $585,000 3.00% 1.65%
6/1/23 $585,000 3.00% 1.80%
6/1/24 $585,000 2.00% 1.90%
6/1/25 $585,000 2.00% 2.00%
6/1/26 $585,000 2.10% 2.10%
6/1/27 $585,000 2.20% 2.20%
6/1/28 $585,000 2.30% 2.30%
6/1/29 $585,000 2.40% 2.40%
6/1/30 $585,000 2.50% 2.50%
6/1/31 $585,000 2.625% 2.625%
6/1/32 $585,000 2.75% 2.75%

Other managers: Sterne, Agee & Leach, Inc, BOSC, Inc..

L.O.: Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein, L.L.P., Charlotte, NC.

F.A.: First Tryon Advisors, Charlotte, NC; and Local Government Commission, Raleigh, NC.

Other bidders were:

Piper Jaffray, TIC 2.2%

Stifel Nicolaus, TIC 2.2025%

FTN Fin Cap Mkts, TIC 2.2154%

Janney Montgomery, TIC 2.2813%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.2955%

Raymond James, TIC 2.3256%


Creek County Independent School District No. 18 (Kiefer)

Jun 1, 2015 . . . . . . $220,000

Building Bonds, Series B of 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jul 1, 2015.

Due Jul 1, 2017 to 2019.


Winning bid: Baker Group, at n/a, NIC 1.4274%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
7/1/17 $70,000 1.45% 1.00%
7/1/18 $75,000 1.45% 1.25%
7/1/19 $75,000 1.40% 1.40%

In association with: The American Heritage Bank.

L.O.: Phillips Murrah, P.C., Oklahoma City, OK; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: Stephen L. Smith Corp., Jenks, OK.

Other bidders were:

BOSC, NIC 2.0%

McIntoch County Independent School District No. 19 (Checotah)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $1,310,000

Building Bonds of 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jul 1, 2015.

Due Jul 1, 2017.


Winning bid: Country Club Bank, at n/a, NIC 0.9375%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
7/1/17 $1,310,000 1.00% 0.75%

In association with: Peoples National Bank.

L.O.: State Attorney General; and Hilborne & Weidman, Tulsa, OK.

F.A.: Stephen H. McDonald & Associates, Inc., Norman, OK.

Other bidders were:

Baker Group, NIC 1.05%

BOSC, NIC 1.05%

UMB Bank, NIC 1.325%

Stephens County Independent School District No. 3 (Marlow)

Jun 1, 2015 . . . . . . $935,000

Building Bonds of 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jul 1, 2015.

Due Jul 1, 2017.


Winning bid: BancFirst, at n/a, NIC 1.0%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
7/1/17 $935,000 1.00% NRO

In association with: First National Bank of Marlow.

L.O.: State Attorney General.

F.A.: Stephen H. McDonald & Associates, Inc., Norman, OK.

Other bidders were:

BOSC, NIC 1.05%

Baker Group, NIC 1.2%


Celeste Independent School District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $6,805,000

Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jul 8, 2015.

Due Aug 15, 2018 to 2037.

Callable Feb 15, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: FTN Fin Cap Mkts, at n/a, TIC 2.7966%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
8/15/18 $210,000 5.50% 0.90% PSF
8/15/19 $225,000 5.50% 1.15% PSF
8/15/20 $235,000 5.50% 1.30% PSF
8/15/21 $250,000 5.50% 1.50% PSF
8/15/22 $265,000 5.00% 1.65% PSF
8/15/23 $275,000 5.00% 1.75% PSF
8/15/24 $290,000 5.00% 1.85% PSF
8/15/25 $305,000 4.50% 1.95% PSF
8/15/26 $320,000 4.00% 2.00% PSF
8/15/27 $330,000 4.00% 2.10% PSF
8/15/28 $345,000 4.00% 2.20% PSF
8/15/29 $360,000 4.00% 2.30% PSF
8/15/30 $370,000 4.00% 2.40% PSF
8/15/31 $385,000 4.00% 2.50% PSF
8/15/32 $400,000 3.75% 2.60% PSF
8/15/33 $420,000 3.50% 2.75% PSF
8/15/34 $430,000 3.50% 2.90% PSF
8/15/35 $445,000 3.50% 3.00% PSF
8/15/36 $465,000 3.50% 3.05% PSF
8/15/37 $480,000 3.50% 3.10% PSF

L.O.: McCall Parkhurst & Horton, Dallas, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: SAMCO Capital Markets, Dallas, TX.

Other bidders were:

Raymond James, TIC 2.7989%

Vining-Sparks IBG, TIC 2.8458%

William Blair, TIC 2.8461%

FirstSouthwest, TIC 2.848%

BOSC, TIC 2.8571%

Stifel Nicolaus, TIC 2.9179%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.9205%

DeSoto (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $2,425,000

Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 15, 2015.

Due Feb 15, 2016 to 2030.

Callable Feb 15, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Raymond James, at 105.1719, TIC 2.3849%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
2/15/16 $125,000 3.00% 0.50%
2/15/17 $135,000 3.00% 0.90%
2/15/18 $140,000 3.00% 1.25%
2/15/19 $140,000 3.00% 1.40%
2/15/21 $300,000 2.50% 1.60%
2/15/23 $310,000 3.50% 1.90%
2/15/25 $340,000 3.50% 2.15%
2/15/26 $175,000 3.00% 2.40%
2/15/28 $370,000 3.00% 2.50%
2/15/30 $390,000 3.00% 2.65%

L.O.: West & Associates, L.L.P., Dallas, TX; Andrews Kurth LLP, Houston, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Dallas, TX.

Other bidders were:

BOSC, TIC 2.4064%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.4221%

Coastal Securities, TIC 2.4562%

Stifel Nicolaus, TIC 2.6041%

DeSoto (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $3,775,000

General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015 (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 15, 2015.

Due Feb 15, 2016 to 2030.

Callable Feb 15, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Raymond James, at 107.6243, TIC 2.2923%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
2/15/16 $180,000 4.00% 0.45%
2/15/17 $200,000 4.00% 0.85%
2/15/18 $205,000 4.00% 1.20%
2/15/19 $220,000 4.00% 1.35%
2/15/20 $220,000 4.00% 1.50%
2/15/21 $235,000 4.00% 1.60%
2/15/22 $240,000 4.00% 1.70%
2/15/23 $250,000 4.00% 1.90%
2/15/24 $260,000 4.00% 2.00%
2/15/25 $275,000 4.00% 2.15%
2/15/26 $280,000 2.50% 2.30%
2/15/27 $285,000 2.75% 2.40%
2/15/28 $300,000 3.00% 2.50%
2/15/29 $305,000 3.00% 2.60%
2/15/30 $320,000 3.00% 2.65%

L.O.: West & Associates, L.L.P., Dallas, TX; Andrews Kurth LLP, Houston, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Dallas, TX.

Other bidders were:

FTN Fin Cap Mkts, TIC 2.3169%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.3271%

BMO Cap Mkts GKST, TIC 2.3386%

BOSC, TIC 2.3705%

Coastal Securities, TIC 2.3884%

Garland (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $18,205,000

Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2015 (book entry).

Dated Jun 1, 2015.

Due Feb 15, 2016 to 2035.

Callable Feb 15, 2025 at par.

Winning bid: Raymond James, at 109.4523, TIC 2.4599%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
2/15/16 $1,410,000 5.00% 0.25%
2/15/17 $1,575,000 5.00% 0.68%
2/15/18 $1,660,000 5.00% 1.11%
2/15/19 $1,740,000 5.00% 1.40%
2/15/20 $1,840,000 5.00% 1.59%
2/15/21 $1,315,000 5.00% 1.87%
2/15/22 $1,390,000 5.00% 2.06%
2/15/23 $1,425,000 2.00% 2.25%
2/15/24 $1,475,000 5.00% 2.40%
2/15/25 $1,560,000 5.00% 2.52%
2/15/26 $405,000 2.50% 2.718%
2/15/28 $840,000 3.00% 3.07%
2/15/29 $440,000 3.00% 3.20%
2/15/30 $455,000 3.125% 3.28%
2/15/31 $125,000 3.25% 3.39%
2/15/32 $130,000 3.375% 3.44%
2/15/33 $135,000 3.375% 3.48%
2/15/34 $140,000 3.50% 3.52%
2/15/35 $145,000 3.50% 3.56%

Other managers: Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., Fidelity Capital Markets, Jefferies LLC, City Securities Corp..

L.O.: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Dallas, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Dallas, TX.

Other bidders were:

Barclays Capital, TIC 2.4827%

BMO Cap Mkts GKST, TIC 2.4921%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.5449%

Wells Fargo Secs, TIC 2.5475%

Citigroup, TIC 2.5499%

Hutchinson Shockey, TIC 2.555%

SAMCO Cap Mkts, TIC 2.5814%

UBS Financial Svcs, TIC 2.6%

Stifel Nicolaus, TIC 2.6079%

Weston Municipal Utility District

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $4,075,000

Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2015A (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jul 1, 2015.

Due Aug 1, 2016 to 2038.

Callable Aug 1, 2022 at par.

Winning bid: SAMCO Cap Mkts, at 98.7796, NIC 3.1981%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
8/1/16 $250,000 2.00% 0.65% AGM
8/1/17 $250,000 2.00% 1.00% AGM
8/1/18 $250,000 2.00% 1.45% AGM
8/1/19 $250,000 2.00% 1.65% AGM
8/1/20 $250,000 2.00% 1.90% AGM
8/1/21 $250,000 2.00% 2.15% AGM
8/1/22 $250,000 3.00% 2.35% AGM
8/1/23 $250,000 3.00% 2.55% AGM
8/1/24 $250,000 3.00% 2.80% AGM
8/1/25 $250,000 3.00% 2.90% AGM
8/1/26 $250,000 3.00% 3.00% AGM
8/1/27 $225,000 3.00% 3.10% AGM
8/1/29 $200,000 3.00% 3.30% AGM
8/1/31 $200,000 3.25% 3.40% AGM
8/1/33 $200,000 3.375% 3.55% AGM
8/1/35 $200,000 3.50% 3.65% AGM
8/1/38 $300,000 3.625% 3.80% AGM

Other managers: Crews & Associates, Inc., BLNS Securities Limited, Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Coastal Securities Corp., WNJ Capital, M. E. Allison & Co., Inc., Ross, Sinclaire & Associates LLC.

L.O.: Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Houston, TX; and State Attorney General.

F.A.: FirstSouthwest, Houston, TX.

Other bidders were:

Raymond James, NIC 3.2545%

RBC Capital Mkts, NIC 3.2768%

FMSbonds, NIC 3.3967%

BOSC, NIC 3.4028%

Hutchinson Shockey, NIC 3.4203%


Arlington County

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $77,440,000

Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2015 (book entry).

Dated Jun 17, 2015.

Due Aug 15, 2015 to 2034.

Callable Aug 15, 2024 at par.

Winning bid: Morgan Stanley, at 107.3904, TIC 2.8006%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
8/15/15 $2,580,000 4.00% 0.25%
8/15/16 $3,510,000 4.00% 0.35%
8/15/17 $3,965,000 4.00% 0.72%
8/15/18 $3,965,000 4.00% 1.10%
8/15/19 $3,965,000 4.00% 1.29%
8/15/20 $3,965,000 4.00% 1.49%
8/15/21 $3,965,000 4.00% 1.75%
8/15/22 $3,965,000 4.00% 1.91%
8/15/23 $3,965,000 4.00% 2.05%
8/15/24 $3,965,000 4.00% 2.18%
8/15/25 $3,965,000 4.00% 2.29%
8/15/26 $3,965,000 3.00% 2.42%
8/15/27 $3,965,000 3.00% 2.58%
8/15/28 $3,965,000 4.00% 2.75%
8/15/29 $3,965,000 3.50% 3.14%
8/15/30 $3,965,000 3.50% 3.22%
8/15/31 $3,960,000 3.50% 3.28%
8/15/32 $3,960,000 3.75% 3.33%
8/15/33 $3,960,000 3.75% 3.37%
8/15/34 $3,960,000 3.75% 3.41%

Other managers: Davenport & Company LLC, Ross, Sinclaire & Associates LLC, Edward Jones, CL King & Associates, WNJ Capital, Loop Capital Markets, LLC, Incapital LLC, Crews & Associates, Inc., Duncan-Williams, Inc., Oppenheimer & Co., Inc., Wedbush Securities Inc., Northland Securities, Inc., Sierra Pacific Securities, Eastern Bank Capital Markets, Bernardi Securities, Inc., Lafayette Investments, Inc., FTN Financial Capital Markets.

L.O.: McGuireWoods LLP, Richmond, VA.

F.A.: Public Financial Management, Inc., Arlington, VA.

Other bidders were:

Citigroup, TIC 2.8279%

JPMorgan, TIC 2.8297%

BA Merrill Lynch, TIC 2.8416%

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.8528%

Piper Jaffray, TIC 2.8612%

Wells Fargo Secs, TIC 2.8945%


Lake Mills (City)

Jun 2, 2015 . . . . . . $3,495,000

General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2015A (bank qualified) (book entry).

Dated Jun 23, 2015.

Due Jun 1, 2017 to 2030.

Callable Jun 1, 2024 at par.

Winning bid: Raymond James, at 103.6309, TIC 2.2136%.

Due Amount Cpn Yield Conc Ins
6/1/17 $120,000 3.00% 0.75%
6/1/18 $275,000 3.00% 1.00%
6/1/19 $305,000 3.00% 1.20%
6/1/20 $335,000 3.00% 1.30%
6/1/21 $365,000 3.00% 1.50%
6/1/22 $345,000 2.50% 1.70%
6/1/23 $295,000 2.50% 1.85%
6/1/24 $295,000 2.50% 2.00%
6/1/25 $270,000 2.50% 2.10%
6/1/26 $245,000 2.50% 2.30%
6/1/28 $345,000 2.75% 2.55%
6/1/30 $300,000 3.00% 2.80%

L.O.: Quarles & Brady, Milwaukee, WI.

F.A.: Ehlers, Roseville, MN.

Other bidders were:

Robert W. Baird, TIC 2.2245%

BOSC, TIC 2.2434%

FTN Fin Cap Mkts, TIC 2.2968%

Janney Montgomery, TIC 2.3331%

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Competitive sales results