Raimondo Launches School Building Authority

Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo on Aug. 11 launched the School Building Authority, an initiative that includes conducting the first statewide school construction assessment as well as a new funding mechanism for public schools with immediate renovation needs.

The authority and its $20 million capital fund are components of Raimondo's $8.7 billion fiscal 2016 budget, and part of a jobs plan she announced at her inauguration in January. Her budget also lifted the moratorium on school construction, enabling districts to proceed on repairs and construction held in abeyance for four years.

"We know our kids can't learn in crumbling school buildings and that they must have access to a learning environment that inspires them to do their best," Raimondo said in a statement. "Today, we are hitting our school building challenges head on."

The authority will fund a statewide assessment of all public-school facilities and the creation of a prioritization plan for school construction. According to the governor, this is Rhode Island's first statewide assessment of public-school facilities.

The capital fund is available to districts on a pay-as-you-go basis, with applications due Sept. 10, 2015. The capital fund includes $5 million designated for low-cost projects -- less than $300,000 -- that are ready to go, pending funding.

Districts may also apply to the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education for approval for housing aid funds for construction. Under this program, communities fund construction projects by issuing bonds and then receive reimbursement for the local share of costs only after project completion.

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Rhode Island