Rahul Jain

Rahul Jain
Rick Schwab

Title: Director
Firm: S&P Global Ratings
Age: 36

At S&P Global Ratings Rahul Jain has become known for his analytical skills, training of others, leadership of an operational reform team, and volunteering for several outside municipal groups.

Jain has been with S&P since 2016 and is currently the lead analyst for New York and New Jersey local governments. He is the primary analyst for New York City.

“Rahul often lets other analysts shine when he could easily take credit himself, building morale, trust, and confidence amongst team members,” said Geoffrey Buswick, S&P Global Ratings government group sector leader.

Jain is a co-leader of the United States Public Finance Effectiveness Team at S&P. In this role he makes sure the group makes intelligent technology and system changes.

Jain is an active member of the program committee of Municipal Analysts Group of New York, making sure the programs are interesting. He recently became a member of the Citizens Budget Commission New Leaders Society.

Prior to working with S&P, Jain worked as a senior research analyst at the Citizens Budget Commission for four years.

Much of Jain’s spare time is occupied with raising a three-year-old and an infant. When he finds time he participates in basketball and racquetball and reads long-form journalism.

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