Orrick Names Radecki Partner in New York Office

Alison J. Radecki, a public finance lawyer with Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, was recently promoted to partner.

Radecki, who is based in New York, has experience in various areas of tax-exempt finance. In her career, she has served as bond counsel, underwriters’ counsel, and credit enhancers’ counsel, according to the firm She is familiar with a number of different sectors, having worked on both revenue and general obligation financings for health care, education, public power agencies, as well as cultural institutions and industrial development facilities.

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe has more than 850 attorneys in 16 offices around the world. The firm’s public finance department served as bond counsel for full par amount on $37.19 billion in tax-exempt debt in 2005 — tops among all law firms, according to Thomson Financial.

Radecki was one of 11 associates recently elevated to partner level.

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