NABL to honor muni pioneers

WASHINGTON – The National Association of Bond Lawyers will present posthumous awards to Jim Lebenthal and Lewis Horne next month, as well as an award for service to Virginia "Gigi" Benjamin.

NABL will bestow those honors at its annual membership meeting at the 43rd Bond Attorneys’ Workshop on Sept. 26 at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago.

Lebenthal and Horne will both receive the Bernard P. Friel Medal, which recognizes distinguished service in the field of public finance.

Lebenthal, who pioneered the use of television and radio broadcasts to market municipal bonds, died in November 2014 at age 86.

Horne, a prominent member of Atlanta, Ga.’s legal community, died last February at age 66 following an illness.

The Frederick O. Kiel Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes extraordinary service to NABL over an extended period of time, will go to Benjamin, a partner who chairs the public law and finance group at Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP.

NABL President-Elect and Awards Committee Chair and incoming NABL president Dee Wisor praised the honorees.

“Jim Lebenthal was one of the biggest champions of municipal bonds,” Wisor said. “He was an advocate for municipal bonds, not only as an investment for retail investors but also as a tool for building America’s infrastructure. He was a Wall Street legend.”

Dee Wisor
Paul wedlake Photography

“Lew Horne was a prominent public finance lawyer in Atlanta,” Wisor continued. “He was one of this first African-American lawyers listed in the Red Book and was the first to serve on the NABL board of directors. He was a respected colleague and mentor to many young lawyers, particularly those from diverse backgrounds.”

Benjamin, who practices in Ohio, has contributed to NABL in numerous ways, said Wisor.

“GiGi Benjamin has made countless contributions to NABL during her career,” he said. “She has served on the NABL board of directors, chaired the Bond Attorneys’ Workshop and the Fundamentals Seminar. She continues to volunteer on NABL committees and projects. NABL is a better organization thanks to GiGi.”

Besides Wisor, the 2018 NABL Awards Committee was composed of Vice Chair and current NABL President Alexandra "Sandy" MacLennan, Cliff Gerber, Helen Atkeson, and Howard Zucker.

Wisor will take over from MacLennan as president at the September meeting.

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Securities law Primary bond market Bond counsel NABL Washington Illinois