NABL Announces Board Nominees, Award Recipients


WASHINGTON - The National Association of Bond Lawyers has announced nominees for officers and directors of its board as well as the recipients of its awards.

NABL members will elect officers and directors for the group's board at NABL's annual meeting on Sept. 9 in Chicago, the group said. Nominations were made by NABL's nominating committee, but any member of the group can nominate any other member from the floor of the annual meeting, as long as notice is given to NABL's president and chief operating officer at least 14 days in advance.

Kenneth Artin, NABL's current president-elect, automatically will become president for 2015-2016 upon the election of the new president-elect. Artin is a shareholder at Bryant Miller Olive who splits his time between Orlando, Fla. and Washington, D.C.

Clifford Gerber, a tax partner in Sidley Austin's San Francisco office and NABL's current treasurer, has been nominated to be president-elect for 2015-2016. Alexandra "Sandy" MacLennan, a partner at Squire Patton Boggs in Tampa and NABL's current secretary, was nominated for the 2015-2016 treasurer position. Dee Wisor, an attorney at Butler Snow in Denver who is currently a director on the board, was nominated to be secretary for the year.

Lorraine Tyson, a partner at Pugh, Jones & Johnson, was nominated to fill Wisor's unexpired term as director. The term ends in 2016. Ann Fillingham, an attorney at Dykema Gossett in Lansing, Mich., and Jodie Smith, a partner at Maynard Cooper & Gale in Birmingham, Ala., were nominated to be directors whose terms would expire in 2018.

Teri Guarnaccia, a partner at Ballard Spahr in Baltimore, Michael Larsen, a partner at Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein in Charleston, S.C. , and Richard Moore, a tax partner at Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe in San Francisco, will continue to serve as directors. Guarnaccia and Larsen's terms expire in 2017, and Moore's term expires in 2016.

Additionally, Antonio Martini, the current NABL president and a partner at Hinckley, Allen & Snyder in Boston, will remain a director for another year as immediate-past president. Bryant Barber, the chair of the 2016 Bond Attorneys' Workshop and a partner at Lewis Roca Rothgerber in Phoenix, will be an ex-officio director for one year, NABL said.

NABL will present awards to John McNally, a partner at Hawkins Delafield & Wood in Washington, and Robert Dean Pope, senior counsel at Hunton & Williams in Richmond, Va., on Sept. 10 in conjunction with NABL's Bond Attorneys' Workshop in Chicago, the group announced.

McNally will receive the Bernard P. Friel Medal, which recognizes distinguished service in the public finance field. Pope will be awarded the Frederick O. Kiel Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes extraordinary service to NABL over an extended period of time, the group said.

McNally was NABL's 2010-2011 president and has contributed to the group's educational programs through memoranda, speaking engagements and publications. He also has participated in programs sponsored by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and other groups in an effort to help municipal market participants in matters involving federal securities laws, NABL said.

"I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work at the SEC in municipal finance upon graduation from law school in 1976, to assist in implementing the 1975 law that created the MSRB and for the first time regulated municipal securities brokers and dealers," McNally said. "That provided a foundation for me these many years later to work on a variety of timely and interesting disclosure issues, including most recently pension disclosure, municipal advisor guidance, and MCDC analysis. The award is particularly gratifying because it reflects the judgment of my peers that this work has benefitted not only NABL but also the municipal market as a whole."

Artin, who was chair of the awards committee, said that McNally's "service in public finance has not only benefitted his clients but also the practice area nationally."

Pope was NABL's president for 1987-1988. He has also been involved in NABL comment letters and spoken at NABL seminar programs and workshops. He serves as editor of The Bond Lawyer publication.

"I am much gratified by the award," Pope said. "NABL has been an important part of both my professional and personal life for more than 35 years. I am proud to have participated in its growth and development. NABL has provided quite extraordinary service to its membership over many years in education and training. It also has provided extraordinary service to the public finance world generally in promoting clarity, fairness and common sense in the laws and regulations that govern state and local government finance."

"Dean unselfishly contributes to NABL every practice day -- and many weekends, too -- with one goal in mind: to serve NABL members' interests," said Drew Kintzinger, an attorney in Hunton's Washington office and a member of the awards committee.




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