Calls for greater equity and inclusion have prompted some of the largest investment firms on Wall Street to prioritize ESG concerns when working on municipal bond deals with state and local governments.
Goldman Sachs Asset Management, BlackRock, Lord Abbett, Morgan Stanley Investment Management and Vanguard have partnered with minority-owned municipal underwriters Loop Capital and Siebert Williams Shank & Co. to disseminate a survey to issuers on racial equity and inclusion.
Arising from the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, the survey was created in conjunction with nonprofit JUST Capital and is a pivot from the traditional shareholder-driven, profit-first model to one that focuses on the growing importance of social issues.

Even before the pandemic and political unrest of 2020, momentum had been growing for investors to incorporate environmental, social and governance factors systematically into their analysis and valuations.
Investors are increasingly interested in integrating sustainability into their investment choices, while financial regulators, including the
The Biden administration has pledged initiatives on climate change and social inequality, following action at the state and local level.
“There’s been growing investor pressure on companies to pay closer attention to their ESG goals, and I think the investors have decided that they similarly want to get more information on what municipalities are doing,” said Suzanne Shank, chief executive officer of underwriter Siebert Williams Shank.
Though municipal issuers’ participation in the survey is voluntary — meaning the information provided on issuers’ efforts to address racial inequality could be limited, incomplete or nonexistent — investment firm executives still believe it’s important for investors to have access to this data.
“The information gleaned from the overall questionnaire will help make investment decisions and allow us to relay the information to our clients, who, in turn, can make impact-related and better investments,” said Alexa Gordon, head of municipal ESG at Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
And while firms don’t have to use the information in their investment decisions, the survey signals to the market that ESG does matter to municipal issuers.
“It was certainly fueled by the social justice movement, but I think we saw everyone jump on board to better understand the inequities that we face and try to be proactive about trying to follow some of those inequities,” Shank said.
The survey, in turn, reflects those desires.
“A lot of what you'll see in
“This was just a uniform way to signal to the market that we're in this together, we're all looking for this data, and here's the format," Wilson said. "At the end of the day, it's hopefully going to save the issuers time coming out in a streamlined way because these questions are coming in, and investors are asking and yes, managers are stepping up too, to share that.”
Warren (Bo) Daniels Jr., head of the public finance division at Loop Capital agreed. “We believe a framework that provides interaction between issuers and investors is a positive development in achieving greater transparency,” he said.
Executives hope the survey and the conversations it sparks around ESG issues will continue beyond simply filling out the questionnaire.
“It's a starting point, and we hope it'll be widespread” said Daniel Solender, head of municipal bonds at Lord Abbett. "We hope as people hear about [the survey], they’ll want to engage. “At first it can't be everybody, but over time hopefully more and more will become involved.”
In the past several years, local issuers have focused in on equality and helping minority and women-owned business enterprises.
In New York City, the
While green and climate bonds have dominated the ESG space, social issues have become a growing focus of interest within the municipal bond market.
Last year, the Ford Foundation sold $1 billion of taxable social bonds, which provided funding for direct grants to non-profits pressured by economic fallout caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Bond Buyer chose the offering as its

In April, municipal bond participants testified before
In May 2019, Fitch Ratings rolled out ESG relevance scores for municipal and infrastructure credits. S&P Global Ratings has been working on two tracks, looking at ESG impacts on credit quality and on specific credit ratings. And Moody’s Investors Service uses its affiliate Vigeo Eiris to designate sustainable/ESG investments.
At last April's Congressional hearing, Jim Nadler, CEO of Kroll Bond Rating Agency, talked about social impact on municipal bonds.
“Municipal bonds by their very nature have material attributes of positive social impact that deserve amplification,” he said. “Those that do not will suffer by not having that type of analysis to show on their behalf.”