Michigan Budget Director Heads to Blue Cross

DALLAS -- Michigan's budget director, John Roberts, is leaving in February to join Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.

Roberts will leave his position as state budget director after Gov. Rick Snyder releases his fiscal year 2018 budget in early February, according to a spokesperson for the budget office.

Roberts, who has served as the budget director since March 2014, is also on the Detroit Financial Review Commission, which is responsible for the oversight of the City of Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools Community District.

As budget director he coordinates all aspects of the state's budget, including development of the executive budget recommendation, presentation of the budget to the Legislature, and implementation of the budget after enactment.

Prior to becoming state budget director in March 2014, Roberts served as deputy chief of staff for Gov. Snyder. He previously served as the director of the Michigan House Republican Policy Office.

Roberts also served in the George W. Bush administration, as special assistant to the president for intergovernmental affairs.

He will join the Emerging Markets Division of Blue Cross to promote national growth in the Medicare market.

Roberts joins Blue Cross as vice president for administration-shared services and will report to Liz Haar, executive vice president and president of emerging markets.

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