Lumesis rolls out new muni trade ticker, announces new hires

Financial technology company Lumesis announced the launch of its Muni Trade Ticker for traders, asset managers and analysts, as well as the hiring of two members of its business development and product management teams.

The DIVER Muni Trade Ticker is a live, customizable ticker of muni bond deals in the secondary market. Users may construct tickers for bonds, sectors, and/or regions, along with filtering by sector, location, credit quality, trade characteristics, and other factors.

Tim Stevens, Lumesis president and chief operating officer, said the company received requests from its clients looking to see configurable real-time and historical tickers in the secondary market, prompting the development of a live, customizable ticker of muni bond deals.

"We've made the ticker highly configurable in terms of the data that comes through," said Tim Stevens, Lumesis president and chief operating officer.

Users may construct tickers for bonds, sectors, and/or regions, along with filtering by sector, location, credit quality, trade characteristics, and other factors.

“Each trader likes to see different data come through on the ticker, in terms of features of the bond or information about the trade itself,” Stevens said. “So we've made the ticker highly configurable in terms of the data that comes through. They can pick and choose the data fields and the order in the fields. They're very customizable, and then they can tile their screen with what tickers are interesting to them at that point.”

Over the past year, Lumesis has expanded the capabilities of its DIVER suite of muni-focused business and regulatory solutions. In January, the company started incorporating machine learning functions into its municipal pricing and scales software, and in April, it brought on ICE Data Services' yield curve data sets to bring another layer of information for its municipal bond clients.

“Much of what we've done lately has been associated with pricing and around secondary market price analysis. So, the secondary market ticker is highly complementary with our secondary market price analysis tool, which looks at where the market is for a particular bond,” he said.

Lumesis also announced two new hires, Jay Alpert and Kristiaan Sheedy.

With over 38 years of municipal bond expertise, including serving as the manager of municipal underwriting, trading, and sales at Williams Capital Group, Alpert joins Lumesis as a director of business development. Alpert has also served as a board member for FINRA’s Financial Technology and Compliance Committee.

Sheedy joins Lumesis as director of product management and business development, a newly formed position. Sheedy spent several years in small to mid-sized broker-dealers with a national presence before joining Lumesis, including work at Blaylock Van, where he served as senior vice president of public finance, and at San Blas Securities, where he wore numerous hats as a banker and underwriter.

“Lumesis continues to emphasize business and compliance solutions that meet the market’s needs, address the demand for more and better data and enhance efficiencies. Our introduction of the Muni Trade Ticker is another example of our commitment to the municipal market. The addition of Kristiaan and Jay enhance our capabilities to continue to do so as we move ahead,” said Gregg Bienstock, Lumesis CEO.

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Fintech Secondary bond market Career moves