Iredelle County, N.C., GOs Upgraded to Aa1 by Moody's

Moody's Investors Service said it has assigned a Aa1 rating to the county of Iredelle, N.C.'s $12.7 million taxable general obligation school bonds, Series 2015A and $29.46 million general obligation refunding bonds, Series 2015B.

Additionally, Moody's assigns a Aa2 rating to the county's limited obligation refunding bonds, Series 2015. Concurrently, Moody's upgrades to Aa1 rating on $38.11 million of outstanding general obligation debt, and to Aa2 rating on $113.7 million on outstanding essential limited obligation bonds.

The Aa1 reflects the county's sizeable growing tax base, solid financial position supported by healthy reserves and liquidity, and average debt profile with rapid payout.

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