Indiana Lawmakers Mull School Funding, Budget

CHICAGO - Indiana lawmakers returning to work this week will tackle the state's school-funding formula.

School funding will be a key question for legislators as they craft a new two-year budget.

Lawmakers return to the capital on Jan. 6 for the biennial budget winter session. Gov. Mike Pence is expected to unveil his proposed 2016-2017 budget on Jan. 8. The triple-A-rated state enjoys a $2 billion surplus.

Republicans, who are in charge of both chambers, want to shift the school-funding formula to smooth out per-pupil funding across the state. The change would likely mean more money for suburban districts and less for urban districts. House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, has also said he'd like to increase overall funding for all schools, according to local reports.

Separately, the Legislature will decide whether to fully fund the Indiana Department of Transportation's request for at least $100 million a year to upgrade roads and bridges.

A bid to expand gambling, which has failed in recent years, will also likely return to the table.

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