Grand Jury Probing Harrisburg Extended

A Pennsylvania grand jury that convened in Pittsburgh early last year has received a six-month extension to Jan. 31, 2016, a spokesman for the commonwealth's court system confirmed.

"Grand juries are only extended at the request of the jurors themselves," said James Koval, director of communications for the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts.

The grand jury, which Attorney General Kathleen Kane convened, is said to include a probe into capital city Harrisburg's finances under Stephen Reed, its mayor from 1982 through 2009.

Both Reed and current Mayor Eric Papenfuse have confirmed that they have testified before the grand jury.

Grand juries normally investigate multiple matters at one convening.

On June 2, agents representing Kane's office raided Reed's home on Cumberland Street, six blocks from the state capitol, and removed saddles and other western artifacts, possibly linked to Reed's failed attempt to open a Wild West museum. The investigation could revolve around Reed's use of a special-projects fund to purchase the artifacts.

Reed told reporters that he testified in April before the Pittsburgh grand jury — "yes, yes, yes" — but was under a gag order.

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