Eric Kim

Eric Kim, Fitch Ratings comments on government shutdown
"This is unfortunately a movie we've seen a lot of times," said Kim. "For the most part and for state and local governments, we've not seen significant implications on the credit side and on the fiscal and economic side." 
Fitch Ratings

Title: Director

Firm: Fitch Ratings

Age: 36

Industry & Community Contributions: Member, National Federation of Municipal Analysts and Municipal Analysts Group of New York (MAGNY); Member, New York City Urban Fellows Alumni Association

Fun Facts: Father of two, Eric is an avid Ultimate Frisbee player. He biked cross-country after college from New Haven to San Francisco to raise money for Habitat for Humanity as part of the Habitat Bicycle Challenge.

As a Director in the state ratings group at Fitch, Eric Kim is entrusted with lead coverage responsibilities for high profile credits including Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Rhode Island, D.C., Virginia, and Philadelphia. Eric is also the public finance department's subject matter expert on state health care spending and transportation funding.

He works on credit analysis for new bond offerings, as well as surveillance of existing ratings in a variety of sectors including higher education and non-profits, tax-backed, water and sewer, healthcare, and public power.

Eric brings strong analytical and communication skills to his role, evidenced by his work on the Pennsylvania credit, where Fitch has taken a stand-out position on the state's school credit enhancement program, and his authorship of reports on topics such as Medicaid.

Eric has participated in panels on state partner-private partnership (P3) obligations for the National Association of State Treasurers, among other topics.


"Eric is known for his keen intelligence, sharp analytical mind, and strong collaborative focus. He is always suggesting new and better ways to do things and his contribution is consistently very positive. Eric is gaining steady recognition from issuers and investors in our market."

Laura Porter
Managing Director, Fitch Ratings

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