Changes on Oregon Investment Council

PHOENIX - Keith Larson, after a decade on the Oregon Investment Council, has wrapped up his council service after being term-limited, Oregon Treasurer Ted Wheeler announced Wednesday.

Larson, who is vice president and managing director of strategic investments at Intel Corp., was first appointed to the Oregon Investment Council by Gov. Ted Kulongoski in August 2007, and was reappointed in 2011 to a second four-year term. He was elected by the Council to serve as chair in 2012 and 2013. The OIC is a six-member board that sets investment policy for the state's public trust fund portfolio. Larson's final OIC meeting was Feb. 3.

Larson led the OIC's efforts to mitigate Oregon's investment risks following the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. His departure is part of transitional period for the council. Current OIC chair Katherine Durant is serving her final year, and voters will select a new state Treasurer in November. Wheeler praised Larson's expertise and what he brought to the council.

"Keith's background in complex investments provided tremendous value to Oregon as we redesigned the portfolio to allow the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund to better navigate volatile market cycles," said Wheeler, who also sits on the investment council. "I applaud his vision and service to public fund beneficiaries and our state."

Larson will be replaced by Rex Kim, a Portland investment manager who was nominated by Gov. Kate Brown and confirmed Monday by the Oregon State Senate. The council meets next on March 9.

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