Chandra Ghosal

Title: Vice President, Senior Analyst/Manager
Firm: Moody’s Investors Service
Age: 35

Since joining Moody’s in 2012 Chandra has taken multiple roles of increasing responsibility.

Recently, he has been manager of the specialist team, which rates letters of credit, gas pre-pay, and other bank-supported financings. He is also in charge of the team publishing the annual issuer comment report for local governments and utilities.

“Chandra has built a reputation as an innovator at Moody’s, having led several projects to improve analyst tools, integration of Moody’s vast public finance issuer data and the report-publishing system, as well as other analytic and work-flow processes,” said Tim Blake, managing director of public finance at Moody’s.

The development of the annual issuer comment report, which covers 4,000 to 5,000 issuers each year, has made a significant market impact.

Chandra also led a project to improve Moody’s Public Finance Group’s analysis of government infrastructure conditions and needs.

“Chandra has been an extremely versatile ‘go-to’ analytic and management resource for us, from developing capital asset condition metrics, to leading the enormous expansion of our small issuer research, to managing the team assessing pre-paid gas deals; he has really become a key innovator and leader in our group,” Blake said.

Chandra holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Cornell University.

Prior to coming to Moody’s, Chandra worked in the New York City Office of Management and Budget.

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