Build America Mutual brings on new capital markets VP

Morgan Fahy has joined Build America Mutual’s capital markets team as a vice president.

In Fahy’s role, she will focus on secondary-market insurance transactions to build demand for BAM-insured bonds from institutional investors, according to the firm.

“The way investors use insurance today is not the same way they used it two years ago. I think we’re still at the beginning stages of a new cycle of expansion for the industry, and I am looking forward to helping more investors find opportunities that make sense for their portfolios,” she said.

Fahy said she will build upon her existing clients and contacts in the market and build new relationships with a focus on credit.

Morgan Fahy has joined Build America Mutual’s capital markets team as a vice president.

Fahy will report to Grant Dewey, head of BAM’s municipal capital markets group.

“Direct contact with institutional investors is the best way to effectively communicate how BAM insurance can help them manage risk, reduce volatility and preserve value in their municipal bond portfolios,” Grant Dewey said in a statement. “Morgan’s client relationships and market experience allow her to identify and highlight relative-value trade ideas as a true partner for BAM’s clients.”

Prior to BAM, Fahy was at Citigroup Global Markets Inc. in investment-grade corporate finance before moving to munis there in 2016 for six years. She began her career as a financial analyst at PepsiCo.

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Career moves Bond insurance Secondary bond market