Bowes to lead Texas Women in Public Finance

DALLAS -- Elizabeth Bowes, a partner in Bracewell's public finance practice in Austin, has been elected as president of the Texas Chapter of Women in Public Finance.

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Bowes will be president for the 2017-18 year, after having served as vice president. She also previously served a three-year term on WPF’s executive council.

Bowes counsels issuers and underwriters in public offerings and private placements of municipal bonds. She has particular experience in housing, transportation, prepaid natural gas and other structured project finance transactions. Since 2007, Bowes has been a fellow of the American College of Bond Counsel. For 11 consecutive years, Bowes has been recognized by Woodward White, Inc. in its Best Lawyers in Public Finance Law listing. In 2017, she was honored as Austin Lawyer of the Year in Public Finance Law.

WPF’s Texas Chapter was founded in 2012 to strengthen the next generation of women leaders in the public finance industry in the state. Participants include state and local government issuers, not-for-profit issuers, investment bankers, attorneys, financial advisors, rating agency analysts, trust officers, and municipal market investors.

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