Alaska's new budget draws on Permanent Fund

Alaska Gov. Bill Walker signed state budget bills this week that will for the first time draw from the Alaska Permanent Fund to cover operating expenses.

At a ceremony Wednesday at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, Walker signed four bills for fiscal year 2019, including a $6.7 billion general fund operating budget and a $1.3 billion capital plan.

Alaska Gov. Bill Walker
Governor Bill Walker delivers the State of the State Address, at the State Capitol in Juneau, Alaska, January 18, 2018. David Lienemann/Office of the Governor
David Lienemann/David Lienemann/Office of the Governor

One of the bills allows for a 5.25% draw from the permanent fund — a pool of oil and gas tax revenues invested over the years that pays residents an annual dividend. The fund would pay residents a $1,600 dividend, under the new law.

Walker vetoed a portion of the bill that would have allowed the state to overdraw from the fund in certain circumstances.

In a press release, Walker’s office said allowing the use of the fund for operating expenses will cut the state’s budget deficit from $2.4 billion to $700 million.

“This fiscal package is a statement of our shared values as Alaskans,” Walker said in a statement. “Passing a sustainable budget and the Permanent Fund Protection Act are the biggest steps Alaska has taken in the last five years to turn the corner toward a stable future.”

Walker’s office touted a recent boost from S&P Global Ratings, which moved the state’s outlook to stable from negative citing the budget’s passage.

The revision is the first positive news from a major credit rating agency since the state’s fiscal crisis began in 2014 and a sign that “Alaska’s economy has turned a corner,” Walker said.

All three major credit rating agencies downgraded the state in 2015 due to falling oil prices and state expense outpacing revenues.

Other key features of the budget include a $10 million increase to the University of Alaska budget, a $20 million increase in school funding and $9.5 million to modernize the state’s outdated 911 emergency response system.

Walker has not yet taken action on a bill that would affect the state’s bonding ability.

In April, the legislature passed a bill that would lower the state’s pension bond authority to $1.5 billion from $5 billion. Supporters described it as a compromise that would preserve the state’s ability while increasing fiscal control.

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State budgets Alaska