Alaska Gets FEMA Relief for Infrastructure Damage

PHOENIX – Alaska Gov. Bill Walker announced Monday that he has accepted financial support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Public Assistance Program to address damage caused by an August storm in the North Slope Borough.

The Governor's office was notified late last week that the agency had accepted the state's request for disaster assistance and issued a presidential proclamation to activate restoration funds.

Arctic coastal sea storms in late August produced high waves and washed out seven miles of borough roads, Walker's office said, with the most significant damage in the community of Barrow. The preliminary damage assessment conducted by the state and FEMA identified $4.6 million in damage to roads and infrastructure, and the two agencies will now share the cost of those repairs on a 25%/75% basis.

"The North Slope Borough did an outstanding job protecting their roads and infrastructure as best they could during the August storm," Walker said Monday. "Without their brave efforts, the damages would have been significantly greater. The State of Alaska has an effective relationship with FEMA, and with their support, we will be able to repair the damage caused by this storm."

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