Top issuers in 2024 are led by NYC TFA

The New York City Transitional Finance Authority ranked first among the Top 10 issuers in 2024, helped by several large mega deals.

The top 10 issuers accounted for $71.568 billion of the total issuance for the year, or 14.4%

New York boasts four of the top 10 issuers, followed by California with two and one a piece for Florida, Massachusetts, Washington and New Jersey.

Rank Issuer 2024 Par amount Market share Number of issues
1 NYC Transitional Finance Auth $10.61B 2.14% 13
2 NYS Dorm Authority $10.468B 2.11% 22
3 California Comm Choice Fin Auth $9.049B 1.83% 11
4 California $8.436B 1.70% 16
5 New York City $7.371B 1.49% 9
6 Florida Dev Fin Corp $5.873B 1.18% 13
7 Massachusetts $5.487B 1.11% 13
8 Washington $5.03B 1.01% 14
9 N.J. Trans Trust Fund Auth $4.75B 0.96% 4
10 New York Trans Dev Corp $4.496B 0.91% 3
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