Other Legal Notices

NOTICE OF PARTIAL DEFEASANCE_To the Holders of New York State Urban Development Corporation_State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2014B (Federally Taxable), Series 2017B (Federally Taxable), Series 2017D (Federally Taxable), Series 2019B (Federally Taxable),Series 2020B (Federally Taxable) and Series 2020F (Federally Taxable),in each case, identified on the attached Exhibit A_092222

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, with respect to all or portions of certain maturities of the above- referenced bonds identified on Exhibit A attached hereto (collectively, the "Bonds") that (i) the New York State Urban Development Corporation (the "Corporation") has made a deposit pursuant to Section A-1104 of the State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds (General Purpose) General Bond Resolution of the Corporation, adopted on November 16, 2009 (the "PIT General Resolution"), with the undersigned in order to defease the Bonds and (ii)the Bonds are deemed to have been paid in accordance with Section A-1104 of the PITGeneral Resolution.


This article originally appeared in The Bond Buyer.
Other Legal Notices