Other Legal Notices

NOTICE OF PARTIAL DEFEASANCE_Dormitory Authority of the State of New York

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there have been deposited with U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, as Trustee under the State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds (General Purpose) General Bond Resolution, adopted by the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (the "Authority") on April 29, 2009, as supplemented (the "PIT Bond Resolution"), monies for the purpose of defeasing all or a portion of certain maturities of the Authority's State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds (General Purpose), Series 2012A, Series 2013A, Series 2014A, Series 2014C, Series 2014E, Series 2014F, Series 2015A, Series 2015B, Series 2015C, Series 2015E, Series 2016A, Series 2016B, Series 2016D, Series 2017A, Series 2017B, Series 2017C, Series 2018A, Series 2019D, Series 2019E and Series 2020A


This article originally appeared in The Bond Buyer.
Other Legal Notices