• Reimagining LGBTQ+ efforts at UBS for improving diversity in their recruitment process

    Revamping the LGBTQ+ Strategy to Improve Recruitment and Foster Inclusion
  • Financial inclusion is a key enabler to reducing poverty and Fintech is leading the way forward. New businesses and creative banking services are emerging with new means of providing financial services to the financially underserved. But technology is just part of the equation, not the whole solution. Join Daniel Wolfe, Editor-in-Chief of PaymentSource as he explores the issues surrounding financial services as infrastructure and how it can address the wealth gap in various communities with our special guests Wole Coaxum, Founder & CEO of MoCaFi and Marc Weill, Partner & Senior Advisor at Two Sigma Ventures.

    Leaders_Livestream VOD_Can fintech bring financial inclusion to all_V1.mp4
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles have moved from nice-to-have to business critical. Hear how Citi is facilitating and driving change.

    Purpose is now mainstream: how Citi is leading the way
  • Amaryllis Fox, former CIA Clandestine Service Officer, offers powership insights into leadership lessons gained from serving in conflicts across the globe. Using experiences from her overseas operations she will provide an inside look at the CIA’s practice of “red-teaming,” and how this practice can help negotiations and resolve conflicts, build empathy, and empower teams to work together.

    Leadership Lessons Learned From An Undercover CIA Agent
  • If you haven't met Suzanne Shank you should. She is the chair and CEO of Siebert Williams Shank & Co. LLC, the nation’s largest female-and minority-owned, privately held finance firm, which she started with the legendary Muriel Siebert. Join us in an intimate conversation and hear her perspective on some of the most critical issues of the day.

    January 6
    Wall Street Pioneer on the Economy, Leadership and DE&I
  • During 2020, our society has been faced with an economic crisis, health crisis, social justice crisis and environmental crisis. The pandemic has rapidly changed how banks engage with customers and employees; accelerating the shift from in-person interactions to digital engagements. Successfully leading a digital transformation requires much more than smart technology choices, culture is key.

    December 31
    Digital Banking 2020: Digital transformation - The cultural imperative
  • It’s been proven time and again that women look at problems differently than male counterparts. It’s part of what makes balanced teams critical to the success of any organization. Women leaders, in particular, demonstrate heightened communication skills, a dedication to mentorship, a willingness to invest in continuous learning, a knack for building effective teams, and the ability to motivate employees with empathy and empowerment. This episode will provide perspectives from women leaders with real-world examples of achieving company goals without sacrificing humanity along the way.

    December 22
    Five Ways Women are Delivering on the Leadership Promise
  • The flow of assets and capital in manager selection, municipal bonds and business and mortgage capital reveals forms of systemic racism that often get overlooked.

    December 7
  • Invaluable insight for those in the LGBTQ community and all those who want to be better allies from the lived experience of Maeve DuVally from Goldman Sachs

    November 25
    Authenticity & allyship: Building corporate LGBTQ+ inclusivity
  • While many companies and organizations try, diversity and inclusion efforts within the financial services have generally failed. What needs to be done in order to succeed? Join us for a panel discussion featuring guests from the Access Denied: Systemic Racism in Financial Services podcast.

    Why haven't diversity efforts worked?