Texas Public Finance 2023
During this keynote address, the Moody's chief economist will share his views on the country's macroeconomic picture.
During this keynote address, Texas CFO will provide an update of the current state of affairs in the state as well as latest initiatives and an outlook for the 9th largest economy in the world.
Jay Propes will be introduced by J. Bart Fowler, a Partner with McCall, Parkhurst & Horton L.L.P.
Michael Ballinger, Publisher, The Bond Buyer; Noé Hinojosa, Jr., Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Estrada Hinojosa & Co., Inc.; Janice Hofferber, MD, Head of US Public Finance., Moody's Investors Service
Join our market leaders as they present their viewpoints on the macroeconomic picture and prospects for the U.S. muni market.
Our panel of experts will provide an overview of the most pertinent legislative and regulatory developments impacting the Texas' muni industry.
During this discussion, we will explore how state and local governments are planning projects and budgeting.
Our panel of issuers will share their insights into the current state of the public finance sector and the road ahead.
The discussion will provide an overview of the education sector, namely higher education institutions as well as K-12 and charter schools.
So what is the outlook for the transportation sector and how far will federal funds go in helping the state achieve its transportation infrastructure goals?
The panel discussion will provide an outlook for the housing sector in the year ahead as well as highlight some of the most pressing issues facing the housing market in Texas.
As the array of technological solutions available to the muni industry widens, we will take a look at where the industry currently stands when it comes to the tech uptake as well as what latest technological advances are available to help the industry on its way to becoming more efficient.
As demand for and pushback against ESG grows in the municipal space, participants will discuss the risks and opportunities surrounding ESG for both investors and issuers.
We will examine the latest with respect to the state's pension obligation. Our panelists will also discuss the risks that inflation, equity market turbulence, and rising interest rates pose to governments via their pension systems.
As the sector continues to face its challenges, we will examine how the sector has been dealing with its severe pressures, and where its next opportunities lie.
As the interest rates rise, recession fears intensify, and markets continue to react to global developments, we will look to understand what is going through investors' minds. Transcript :
As climate change accelerates, power and utilities infrastructure in Texas and the rest of the U.S. will experience severe weather events well beyond the historical conditions for which they were built, which places them at risk of failure. In this session, we will investigate the risks and solutions that will have an impact on this sector.
Our panel of experts will examine the tangible and intangible costs of cyber breaches and potential risk-mitigation strategies that municipalities can implement.