National Outlook 2023

Session archives
What are the obstacles and opportunities surrounding ESG? What does new tech, crypto and AI mean for electronic trading? How will inflation and labor shortages impact the IIJA rollout? The municipal finance community is going into 2023 with a lot of questions. The Bond Buyer’s NATIONAL OUTLOOK is your destination for answers. This is where top industry experts discuss and debate their predictions, while exploring the national and regional trends driving the market.
Keynote Sessions
National Outlook 2023: Opening remarks

Michael Ballinger, Publisher, The Bond Buyer; Kevin Murphy, Partner, Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP; Tim Sullivan, Managing Director, UBS Financial Services Inc

February 9
National Outlook 2023: Opening keynote: Common sense leadership, managing for the long term

Treasurer Goldberg will be introduced by Tim Sullivan, Managing Director, Head of New England Region and Housing Finance at UBS Wealth Management Americas.

February 9
National Outlook 2023: Keynote luncheon roundtable

Jonathan Ballan, Partner, Harris Beach PLLC; Elizabeth Fine, Counsel to the Governor, New York State Executive Chamber; RuthAnne Visnauskas, Commissioner and CEO, New York State Homes and Community Renewal

February 9
General sessions
Industry and regulatory outlook from the leaders in public finance

Join our panel of top industry leaders as they discuss their expectations on regulatory developments, market performance, bond issuances, credit conditions, and potential challenges and opportunities for the year ahead.

February 9
The credit landscape

The discussion will center around the current credit conditions and what challenges and expectations are for 2023.

February 9
Live market survey

Topics will include: market conditions and expectations, issuance projections, evolving investor base, credit conditions, growing focus on ESG factors and more.

February 9
Diversity and inclusion scorecard: How far along are we

As statistics continuously show that a diverse workforce has better outcomes, the discussion will center on what has been done thus far and what else needs to be done to diversify the workforce in the muni sector.

February 9
The tech update for muni industry

Electronic trading and AI are expected to play a more prominent role in the muni market in the next five years and beyond. The municipal market is ripe for growth in these areas and our panelists will discuss how participants can integrate technology to help create a more efficient marketplace.

February 9
Addressing the impact of inflation and labor shortages on infrastructure projects

In light of the inflationary pressures and continuous shortage of skilled workers, how have governments and localities fared when it comes to updating, finishing, and starting new infrastructure projects?

February 9
ESG status update

As demand for and pushback against ESG grows in the municipal space, participants will discuss the risks and opportunities surrounding ESG for both investors and issuers.

February 9