Texas Public Finance 2024
Improving transportation infrastructure amid explosive population growth.
The Texas muni community has a lot on its plate, and this is where key players in the industry explore unique issues pertaining to the Lone Star State — and what they could mean for the rest of the country.
CPE Eligible, Join our market leaders as they present their viewpoints on the macroeconomic picture and prospects for the U.S. muni market.
As we continue to keep an eye out on commercial downtowns around the country, during this discussion we will focus on: Current projections: are people expected to return to offices or that is no longer in the cards?, Impact of vacancies on the property values, Addressing homelessness facing large urban centers, What efforts have been underway to address the current situation impacting commercial space in urban downtowns?
As a number of large banks are limited in their ability to do business with governmental entities, the question becomes how large commercial paper issuers will address their liquidity needs and what ripple effect that will have on other issuers in the state. Among the points of discussion will be: SB 13 and 19, Net Zero Alliance
Considering the devastation and the cost associated with it, any strategies involving city-planning must incorporate ways to deal with very real weather events and the protection of communities. To that extent: What are the current plans for fortifying the infrastructure in Texas and across the nation?, Preparing for extreme heat, lack of water, storms and addressing their impact on municipalities and their ability to deal with it all
The Financial Data Transparency Act (FDTA) calls for the use of structured data standards by municipal bond issuers in a program that will be implemented by the SEC. Attend this session to learn about: The impact on government entities, What are data standards?, When will governments be required to comply?, What can we learn from other structured data programs implemented by the SEC?
Given the state's explosive growth, its transportation infrastructure – including roads, rail lines, airports, marine ports, and waterways – will need to be significantly expanded and improved. What is the outlook for the transportation sector?
The Houston City's Controller will be introduced by McCall Parkhurst & Horton's Managing Partner, Mark Malveaux.
During this discussion, we will examine how the school districts within Texas are making ends meet as well as touch on: Charter and private schools, Teacher shortages and how districts are spending down Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds
Our panel of issuers will share their insights into the current state of the public finance sector and the road ahead. Topics of discussion will include the economic growth, issuance status, and state and local government credit conditions.
During this session we will spend some time understanding investors' approach to munis in the current market conditions.
As the array of technological solutions available to the muni industry widens, we will take a look at where the industry currently stands when it comes to the tech uptake as well as what latest technological advances are available to help the industry on its way to becoming more efficient.
Our panel of experts will provide an overview of the most pertinent legislative and regulatory developments impacting the Texas' muni industry. Additionally, they will identify what the pressure points are as well as legislative priorities for the state and their impact on Texas public finance – and beyond – in the upcoming year.
The panel discussion will provide an updated outlook on the water situation in the state. More specifically, we will look to understand: Developments with Texas Water Fund, Desalination projects
As the sector attempts to get a handle on labor pressures and other challenges, where do things stand at this time?
The discussion will focus on the latest developments in the housing sector in Texas. Affordable housing in a shrinking affordability market, New home building
As the population in the state grows, how are power and utilities sectors adjusting? Additionally, given more frequent extreme weather conditions, what resiliency efforts are underway with respect to the power grids and other utilities' infrastructure?