Coronavirus Impact
Coronavirus Impact
Eric Kim, Fitch Ratings comments on government shutdown

In the near term, federal aid is sitting on balance sheets ready to be deployed if some of the downside economic risks become reality, experts say.

January 21
4 Min Read
Internal Revenue Service announces new enforcement measures.

The Internal Revenue Service has released guidance providing temporary relief for low-income housing tax credit and private activity bond-financed properties due to the ongoing threat of COVID-19.

January 13
2 Min Read

Treasury’s final ruling issued last week provides tribes with $10 million in revenue loss allowance and a broader list of capital expenditures.

January 11
2 Min Read

Treasury’s final rule on the State and Local Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Fund allows counties to use up to $10 million for general public services and expands the list of eligible water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure projects.

January 10
4 Min Read

The state expects to cut interest costs through the early repayment on the loan taken out through the Federal Reserve's emergency lending program to help pay down healthcare bills.

January 5
4 Min Read

The university is planning to sell $500 million of taxable 100-year bonds in the first quarter of 2022.

December 28
8 Min Read

Municipals are sitting out the ups and downs in equities and UST, with $12 million scheduled for the primary in the final week of 2021.

December 23
7 Min Read
Emily Wadhwani, director, Fitch Ratings, U.S. Public Finance

Entering the third year of a pandemic, higher education is expected to gain stability amid a flood of federal aid.

December 23
3 Min Read
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